Latest Environmental Monitoring Data
Summary - T. Rowe Price Project, 2022-4
Harbor Point Development, LLC is continuing the redevelopment of the Harbor Point peninsula with the construction of a commercial building to include the new T. Rowe Price building, commercial retail space, and additional parking in the area along the waterfront west of the Wills Wharf building, and south of the Exelon building and plaza. Also, the project will include completion of a new park at the southwest corner of the peninsula, with waterfront on two sides. The plans and other documents for the project can be viewed here:
Project Narrative
A-1, Materials Handling Plan (MHP)
A-2, Health and Safety Plan (HASP)
A- 3, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
A-4, Spill Prevention Plan
A-5, Construction Air Monitoring Plan
B: Construction Plans
C. Construction Schedule
D. Engineering Support Memoranda
E. Environmental Sampling Locations
F. EPA Correspondence
DDP Engineer's Certification
Response to EPA and MDE Comments on Previous Draft
EPA Approval Letter
MDE Approval letter
Questions concerning this project can be directed to Edward M. Dexter, P.G., Administrator, Solid Waste Program, at (410) 537-3315, or via email at
Summary - Parcel 4 Mixed Use project, 2022-4
Harbor Point Development, LLC is continuing the redevelopment of the Harbor Point peninsula with the construction of a mixed-use commercial building to include an apartment building, commercial retail space, and additional parking in the area between Caroline Street and Wills Street just east of the Exelon Building. This area was never used for chromium plant operations and is outside of the capped groundwater containment system to the west. The plans and other documents for the project can be viewed here:
Summary - Wills Wharf Project, 2018-19
Harbor Point Development, LLC is continuing the redevelopment of the Harbor Point peninsula with the construction of a commercial building to include a new Hilton hotel, among other uses. The location is the former Allied Chemical chromium plant at 1000 Wills Street in Fells Point, where chromium ore was processed for over 130 years until the plant was demolished in the 1980s. Due to extensive contamination with chromium from the historical industrial activities, the site was subject to a thorough investigation and remediation in accordance with the State and federal hazardous waste regulations. Protective systems installed at the site include a RCRA C low-permeability cap containing a layer of linear low-density polyethylene, a clay layer, a drainage layer, and protective layers of soil and gravel; a perimeter slurry wall of bentonite clay to prevent the outward migration of chromium into the Harbor; a groundwater pumping system intended to remove contaminated groundwater so that the hydraulic pressure inside the slurry wall is lower than the surrounding ground and surface water, so any leakage would be inward; and groundwater quality and water level monitoring systems.
The new building will be located just south of the recently completed Exelon Headquarters building, which was the first building constructed on top of the capped area (see extensive section below following the section entitled "Summary - Exelon Project"). The proposed development would entail localized disturbance and then repair of the cap over the contaminated soil area, although the area to be disturbed is much smaller than the area penetrated during the Exelon project. MDE and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are responsible for reviewing and approving these plans to insure that the proposed construction will not harm the protective systems. The development is regulated under two separate federally enforceable consent agreements which are available under the "Legal Documents" section of the narrative concerning Exelon below.
Extensive plans and documents describing the proposed activities at Wills Wharf are available in a set of documents referred to as the "Detailed Design Plans" or "DDP" for your information:
Validated Air Monitoring Data Reports for the Wills Wharf Project: The analytical data for the hexavalent chromium monitoring performed during the period when the protective cap overlying part of the Wills Wharf site was opened for intrusive work (pile driviing, etc.) was subject to a validation review by a third party evaluator. The reports are given below. Raw data reports and results of investigations of any exceedances are available on request from the Department.
Reports for the work period following:
Summary - Exelon Project
Harbor Point Development, LLC has proposed the construction of a commercial office building for the new headquarters of the Exelon Corporation among other uses. The location is the former Allied Chemical chromium plant at 1000 Wills Street in Fells Point, where chromium ore was processed for over 130 years until the plant was demolished in the 1980s. Due to extensive contamination with chromium from the historical industrial activities, the site was subject to a thorough investigation and remediation in accordance with the State and federal hazardous waste regulations. Protective systems installed at the site include a RCRA C low-permeability cap containing a layer of linear low-density polyethylene, a clay layer, a drainage layer, and protective layers of soil and gravel; a perimeter slurry wall of bentonite clay to prevent the outward migration of chromium into the Harbor; a groundwater pumping system intended to remove contaminated groundwater so that the hydraulic pressure inside the slurry wall is lower than the surrounding ground and surface water, so any leakage would be inward; and groundwater quality and water level monitoring systems.
The proposed development would entail localized disturbance and then repair of the cap over the contaminated soil area. MDE and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are responsible for reviewing and approving these plans to insure that the proposed construction will not harm the protective systems. Extensive plans and documents describing the proposed activities are available for your information:
General Documents
Current Fact Sheet:
Historical Fact Sheet:
Meeting Documents:
Air Monitoring - Cr+6 Data Validation Reports 
The following data reports are the reports for hexavalent chromium monitoring in air performed at the perimeter monitoring system around the Harbor Point site, and at the two offsite background monitoring stations OAM-1 (located at the National Aquarium) and OAM-2 (located at an MDE air monitoring station at the Old Town fire station in central Baltimore City). This data has been validated by a third-party validator who examined the quality assurance and quality control data according to EPA protocols, and is considered to be reliable. This section will be periodically updated with additional data while intrusive activities are occuring at the site.
Background Data
March 2014
Data Collected During Intrusive Activities: (All validated Cr+6 air data is now available here).
Final Detailed Development Plans
Earlier Drafts of Detailed Design Plans:
Revised Detailed Design Plans
Draft Detailed Design Plans
Legal Documents
- 1989 Consent Decree: This document is a Consent Decreebetween EPA, MDE and the responsible parties describing the process for remediating the site. The remedies that were performed under this Consent Decree were evaluated, selected and subject to public review in accordance with the normal federal requirements for hazardous waste remedial projects.
- Covenant Not To Sue, 2003: This document is a Consent Decree between EPA, MDE and the responsible parties describing the review process for any proposed development of the site would be allowed to proceed.
- Addition of Harbor Point to Covenant Not To Sue, 2013: This is a document binding Harbor Point to comply with the terms of the Covenant Not to Sue.
- Certificate of Settling Respondents, August 2013: This documentation is a certification that the plans that were submitted to EPA and MDE for review were developed by responsible consultants in accordance with the terms of the Covenant Not to Sue. (Certificate of Settling Respondants.pdf)
Recent Monitoring Data
Other Documents available through a Public Information Act Request
The following documents are only available in hard copy for review at MDE at this time via a Public Information Act request. Note that this file is physically very large, and an extensive request will take considerable time for a full review.
1985 – Phase I Site Study
1986 – Remedial Investigation Report
1987 – Feasibility Study for Corrective Measures Alternatives
1988 – Groundwater Monitoring Plan/Dismantlement Plan
1988 – Supplemental Saprolite Report and Offsite Investigation Plan
1988 – Summary of Subsurface Investigation for Perimeter Cutoff Wall Evaluation
1988 – Deep Hydraulic Barrier Feasibility Investigation
1988 – Remedial Investigation Report
1989 – Summary of Baltimore Works Aquifer Testing
1989 – Groundwater Classification Study
1990 – New Outboard Embankment Report
1990 – Corrective Measures Implementation Program Plan
1990 – Delineation of Low pH area
1990 – Soil Characterization and Remediation of Baltimore Works and Southeast Quadrant Piers
1990 – Analysis and Design of New Outboard Embankment
1990 – Application for Disposal of Dredged Materials at Hart/Miller Island
1990 – Model Refinement Recalibration and Hydraulic Head Maintenance Simulation
1991 – Offsite and Southeast Quadrant Investigation
1991 – Summary of Subsurface Investigation
1992 – Shoreline Stabilization East of Wills Street Report
1992 – 2013 Quarterly Environmental Media Monitoring Reports
1993 – Groundwater Gradient Monitoring Plan
1993 – Hydraulic Barrier Design Plan
1993 – Cap System Corrective Measures Design Plan
1993 – Corrective Measures Implementation Report Phase I
1994 – Head Maintenance System Design Plan
1994 – Multimedia Cap Design Plan
1994 – Hydraulic Barrier Design Plan
1994 – Soil Cap Design Plan
1996 – Final Construction Drawings for Site Surcharging
1997 – Operations and Maintenance Plan
2000 – Silver Properties Raw Data Report
2000 – Construction Completion Report for Hydraulic Barrier and as built Drawings
2000 – Report of Verification of Performance Standards
2001 – Environmental Media Monitoring Plan
2002 – Corrective measures Implementation Report for Head Maintenance System Wells and Piezometers
2003 – Corrective Measures Implementation Report for North and South Silver Properties
2003 –Master Site Health and Safety Plan
2003 – Surface Soil Monitoring Plan
1983 - 2013 – MDE Enforcement Files
1992 – 2011 – Environmental Media Monitoring quarterly reports
Thames Street Wharf Office Building Project Documents (Morgan Stanley Building)
2006 – Geotechnical Report for Areas 2 and 3
2008 – Detailed Design Plan – available as PDF
2010 – Construction Completion Report for Environmental Activities for Thames Street Wharf Office Building
Frequently-requested documents may be scanned and added to the lists of documents available electronically from time to time. For information concerning your rights under the Public Information Act and the process for requesting access to files, please check MDE's PIA site
Questions concerning this project can be directed to the Solid Waste Program at 410-537-3315.