The Land Restoration Program (LRP) provides informational fact sheets for each project site that is overseen by the program. A fact sheet will typically include the location, operational history, environmental actions and current status. See below for a list by County of LRP project sites.
LRP Statistics
Land Restoration General Program Related Fact Sheets
- Regulatory/Policy
- Programmatic
- Procedural
- Initiatives
Operational Criteria for the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund LRP Fact Sheets by County
Anne Arundel
Baltimore City
1st Plant SML
2 East Wells Street VCP
2nd Plant SML
10 East North Avenue PROPERTY
61 Kane Street Brownfields
68th Street Dump SAS
101 Garrett Street Brownfields
101 W. Dickman Street Property VCP
120-250 West Dickman Street
121 Kane Street Property VCP
139 W. Ostend Street VCP
301 E. Cromwell Street VCP
415, 417 & 419 South Eden Street VCP
424–438 East Oliver Street Property VCP
440 East Oliver Street Property VCP
- 508 E Preston St and 1322 Greenmount Ave
608 South Regester Street VCP
601 West Patapsco Ave
700 West Chesapeake Avenue (CSX) Brownfields
701 South Eden Street VCP
715 South Haven Street VCP
719–723, 725, 733 Fort Avenue VCP
801 S. Caroline Street VCP
1001 North Chester Street VCP
1100 James Street Parcel VCP
1111 Light Street Parcel VCP
1134 Hull Street VCP
1220 Towson Street
1200 North Charles Street VCP
1300 Race Street VCP
1301 S. Conkling Street VCP
1302 Key Highway Property
1321 Western Avenue
1400 Eastern Avenue VCP
1401 Woodall Street Property VCP
1411 Warner Street VCP
1501 Saint Paul Street VCP
1600 Harford Avenue
1600–1606 Bush Street (Sub-Parcel) Former Southern Galvanizing Property VCP
1715 Thames Street Property
1800 Cherry Hill Road
1800 South Hanover Street VCP
1801 East Oliver Street and 1731 Llewelyn Avenue Property
1901 South Charles Street VCP
2100 Van Deman Street VCP
2101 E Pratt Street VCP
2110 Haines Street VCP
2600 N. Howard Street Property VCP
2700 Hollins Ferry Rd
2760 Lighhtouse Point
2940 Waterview Avenue VCP
3201 Saint Paul Street VCP
3300–3305 Childs Street Property VCP
3310 Childs Street Property VCP
3400 Boston Street Property
3508–3520 Fairfield Road VCP
3515 Dolfield Rd BROWNFIELD
3545 Fairfield Road VCP
3607 O'Donnell Street-Domain Brewers Hill Phase II VCP
3701 O'Donnell Street (Gunther Brewery Parcel 4 or 6) VCP
3800 East Biddle Street Property
4225 Shannon Drive Brownfields
4500 and 4504 Harford Road Property VCP
5600 Lombard Street (Former Potts & Callahan) Brownfields
5900 Eastern Avenue BROWNFIELD
Ackerman & Baynes, Inc. VCP
Acme Rosemont Brownfields
Academy Cleaners
Ainsworth Paint Co. SML/VCP
Allied Chemical Chrome Plant and Allied/Honeywell Site At Harbor Point SML
Allied Chemical Agricultural Plant SML
American Brewery VCP AND Brownfields
American Cleaners
American National Can Company Site VCP
American Shot And Lead Co. FIS
Amoco Baltimore Asphalt Terminal VCP
Amoco Oil Company SML
Anchor Hocking SML
Armco Inc., Baltimore Works SML
Autobahn Motors SML
Automobile Repair Facility VCP
Baltimore Camden Yards VCP
Baltimore Housing Authority SML
Baltimore Smelting SML
Baltimore Steel Drum Corp SML
Baltimore Sun
Barre Station VCP
Bayard Station
Biochem SML
Biochem Management FIS
Bolton Yard VCP
Bowley's Lane Landfill
Buck's Auto Dump Site
Buck Steel Drum SML
Camden Crossing VCP
Canton Crossing Retail Property VCP
Canton Station SML
Capitol Assay Labs SML
Carr-Lowery VCP
Center For Aquatic Life And Conservation Property VCP
Charles Village West VCP
Chevron Chemical Baltimore Refinery SML
Chevron Excess East Yard
Chevron-Texaco - West Yard Property VCP
Chevron Operating Yard
Circular Advertising VCP
City Center Property VCP
Clipper Industrial Park Property VCP
Chemical Metals Inc. SML
Cockey's Enterprises Property VCP
Conoco Inc. SML
Conoco Chemical Co. Md 109 SML
Conrail Orangeville Yard SML
Constellation Properties VCP
Countess Service Center VCP
Crown Central Petroleum SML
Crown Simplimatic, Inc. VCP
Dixie/Hettlemen Metals Smelter Site 290 SML
Domain Brewers Hill Phase Ii/The National Apartments VCP
DPW Central Garage Property VCP
Dundalk Marine Terminal
Eastalco Compensatory Storage Facility SML
Edgehill Mews Property
Egan Marine/1000 Key Hwy East
EJ Codd Company Property VCP
E Stewart Mitchall Facility VCP
Essex Industrial NML
Estech General Chemical VCP
Excelsior Cleaners
Exxon Company SML
F. Bowie Smith
Fairfield Service Company Dump
- Fishing Point Property (Former 3901 Asiatic Ave)
- Public Informational Meeting Slides-Oct. 25, 2023
Fleet Eden Garage VCP
FMC Corporation SML
Former Chesapeake Paperboard VCP
Former Coliseum Property VCP
Former Coyne Textile (2804 Wilkens Ave Property) VCP
Former Esskay Plant VCP
Former GE Power Systems Apparatus Service Center VCP
Former Southern Can Company
Former Waterford Caseworks VCP
Former Westport Generating Station VCP
Fort Avenue Property VCP
Fort Holabird BRAC
Frankford Gardens Shopping Center VCP
Frederick Avenue VCP
G & M Terminal SITE
Gateway South Property, Phase I (aka Maryland Chemical) VCP
Gateway South And Warner Properties VCP
General Motors Site-Area A Property VCP
General Motors Site-Area B Property VCP
General Motors Site-Area C Property VCP
General Motors Site-Area D Property VCP
GPA Industrial LLC Property VCP
Greenmount Avenue Property
- Guardian House Property
Gunther Brewery, Parcel 5, "Ale, Pilsner, Stout Buildings" VCP
Gunther Brewery, Parcel 4 "Hops Building" VCP
Gunther Brewery, Parcel 6 Property VCP
Gunther Brewery, Parcel 7 "Toone Street" VCP
Gunther Brewery, Parcel 9, "Triangular Parcel/Parking Lot" VCP
Gunther Brewery, Parcel 10 "Rr Right Of Way Northeast Portion" VCP
Gunther Brewery, Parcel 10 "Rr Right Of Way Southwest Portion" VCP
General Chemical Baltimore Terminal VCP
Harbor Point Areas 2&3 VCP
H.F. Miller and Son Building VCP
Highlandtown Gas SML
Hutton Avenue Landfill SML
Industrial Metal Melting Smelter Site 43 SML
John T. Lewis And Brothers
JS Young Property
Kane And Lombard NPL
Kelco Property VCP
Kirk-Stieff Silver Building Property VCP
Koppers Baltimore Plant Landfill VCP
Kurt Iron And Metal Property VCP
Lafarge Property VCP
Leading Point Chrome Ore Processing Residue Site
Lenmar Property VCP
Lion Brothers
Lombard Street Property VCP
Lot 42, Hollander Ridge Business Park, Hollander Ridge Business Park
Main Steel VCP
Major Packaging VCP
Malt Mill Building VCP
Marketplace Properties VCP
Marlen Trading Company, Inc. VCP
Martin Marietta Corporation SML
Maryland Plaza Property VCP
Masonville Cove NML
Matrix Metals VCP
Middle Branch Park (Dickman Street Property) VCP
M&T Chemicals/Atotech Usa, Inc. SML
Montgomery Ward Business Center VCP
Moorings At Canton VCP
Morgan State University SML
MRI Corporation SML
MTA Property VCP
National Bohemian Brewery VCP
New Shiloh Family Apartments
NIA Gerontology Research Center SML
Nine Lots In City Block 7360 In Old Fairfield VCP
NL Industries - Baltimore Metal Plant FIS
NL Industries - Merchant Shot Works SML
Northwest Health And Rehabilitation Center VCP
Old Fairfield Properties VCP
Olin Chemicals SML
Overflo Warehouse Facility VCP
Parcel 247 Property VCP
Parker Metal Decorating Company VCP
Patapsco Industrial Center VCP
Pennington Avenue Landfill VCP
Penn Square Property VCP
Penn Square II Property VCP
- Perkins Homes
Phillips Distribution Center, LLC Property VCP
PICORP Incorporated Site
Point Breeze Business Center 2200 (Parcel D, Lot 1a), 2310 Parcel D, Lot 3), 2330 (Parcel C, Lot 3) VCP
Point Breeze Business Center 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2501, 2510 VCP
Port Covington VCP
Port Covington Parcel B Property VCP
Port Liberty VCP
Potee Street Junkyard Brownfields
Potts And Callahan Quarry VCP
Proctor And Gamble Former Soap Manufacturing Property (Parcels 1, 2-A, 3 And 5) VCP
Pulaski Incinerator Facility Property
Quarantine Road
Reedbird Landfill
Schroedl Custom Cleaners
Scott Street Station Site
Severn Street Plant SML
Sherwin Williams - Baltimore SML
Simpson - Doeller
South Haven VCP
South Locust Point Marine Terminal NML
Southside Marketplace VCP
SSI Realty VCP
Stadium Square I Property
Stadium Square II Property
Stadium Square III Property
State Center Property-Parcel G VCP
State Center Property-Parcel I2 VCP
Station North Townhomes VCP
Striegel Supply FIS
Swann's Wharf VCP
Texaco, Inc. SML
The 2005 Maryland Ave L.L.C. Property VCP
Thoms Cove COPR Site
Thoms Cove Site I & II NML
Tidewater Yacht Service Center VCP
Travel Centers of America Former Mobil Station VCP
Union Mill VCP
Vail Street VCP
Valspar Baltimore Plant VCP
Walbrook Mill and Lumber Yard Property
Warner Street Wetlands Brownfields
Warwick Apartments Property
Washington Hill Property VCP
West 25th Street And North Howard Street Properties–East Side VCP
West 25th Street And North Howard Street Properties–West Side VCP
Westport Junction VCP
Windsor Terminal/Inland Leidy VCP
WR Grace And Company
Baltimore County
565 East Church Street Property VCP
Apples Church Furniture Repair NML
Former Alcoa Eastalco Works
- Former Mt. Airy B & O Railroad Right of Way
Fort Detrick Federal Facility
Frederick Board Of Education Property VCP
- Frederick Brick Works
- Voluntary Cleanup Program Application
- Phase I and II Environmental
Site Assessments
- Hydro-Terra, Inc., Phase I ESA (Report to Appx D) (Appx from E to K), dated April 23, 2007
- Phase II Environmental
Environmental Inspection of Clay Pits, dated Apr. 3, 2006
Environmental Inspection Cline Fill, dated Mar. 17, 2005
- Environmental/Geotechnical description
Drawing Notes and Plan, dated Jan. 25, 2002
Subsurface Soil Investigation, dated July 11, 2001
Phase I and Limited Phase II ESAs, dated Aug. 30, 2000
Frederick Parcel G
Frederick Revitalization I VCP
Frederick Tool And Die Company FIS
Frederick Town Gas SML
Frederick County Public School's Central Office (Future Lot 1, Parcel G Property) VCP
Joe's North End Cleaners NML
Lot 2 "Site F" VCP
Naval Support Facility Federal Facility
Ox Fibre Property (400 E Church St)
Parcel J And Lot 1 Of The Wayside Property VCP
Parcel K VCP
Plantronics, Inc. VCP
Roddy Road Corridor
Rotorex Property
Rotorex Parcel 74 VCP
Rotorex Parcel 325 VCP
Schroyer’s Recycling Center
Town Center Plaza
Trans Tech Adamstown Site SML
Waverly View Property VCP
106 North Frederick Avenue Property
1200 & 1212 East West Hwy VCP
5221 River Road VCP
1900 Chapman Avenue VCP
19609 Frederick Road VCP
5420 Butler Road VCP
5450 Butler Road VCP
7300–7308 Carroll Avenue VCP
7340 Wisconsin Avenue Property
13501 Layhill Road (Indian Springs Country Club) NML
Adelphi Laboratory Center Federal Facility
Amato Industries, Inc.
AT&T Canada Dry Property VCP
Bethesda Avenue Cleaners
Bethesda Commerce
Briggs Chaney Plaza VCP
Brightview Rockville Town Center
Burtonsville Crossing VCP
Cadwallader/N Potomac PCP SML
Calverton Shopping Center
Center Property At Fairlands VCP
Century Multifamily Property
Danac Technology Park Property (Lot 2) VCP
Fields Road Center
Forest Glen Annex
Former Bell Cleaners VCP
Former Kodak Processing Plant - Parcel 1a VCP
Former Kodak Processing Plant - Parcel 1b VCP
Former Maryland Wood Preserving Facility VCP
Gaithersburg Control Area BRAC
Gaithersburg Research Facility FUDS
Gaithersburg Y Site Property VCP
Gateway Tower Property VCP
Georgetown Square Shopping Center VCP
Jefferson at Congressional Village VCP
Laytonsville Launch and Control Sites SML
Lot 9a, Former Kodak Processing Plant VCP
Lot 9f(1), Portion Of The Former Kodak Processing Plant VCP
Mallory Square Phase I
Mallory Square Phase II
Montgomery Village Gold Course
Montrose Crossing Shopping Center Property VCP
Naval Surface Warfare Center, White Oak Detachment BRAC
National Institutes Of Health SML
National Naval Medical Command Federal Facility
National Park Seminary VCP
Neutron Products
NSWC Carderock Division Federal Facility
- Pooks Hill Road Property
Potomac Promenade VCP
Randolph Hills Shopping Center VCP
Ripley South Development VCP
Ripley Street Development VCP
Rockcreek Village Shopping Center VCP
Rockville Launch/Gaithersburg Research Facility SML
Rockville Metro Plaza VCP
Rockville Post Office VCP
Rockville Town Square I VCP
Rockville Town Square II VCP
Sears & Roebuck Property VCP
Shoppes at Centre Point VCP
Silver Spring Custom Furniture Site
Silver Spring Redevelopment Project Howletts Addition Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, & 24 VCP
Sligo House Apartments
Takoma Langley Shopping Center VCP
Talbott Center VCP
Travilah Grove VCP
Travilah Square Shopping Center VCP
Upper Rock VCP
Used Tire Shop Property VCP
Vectrol, Inc. SML
Washington Metro Area Transit Authority (Wmata) Property VCP
Watkins Johnson Company Site SML
Westech Village Corner Property
Westwood Shopping Center I VCP
White Flint Crossing (VCP)
Woodmoor Shopping Center Property VCP

WSSC Compro Facility (VCP)
Prince George's
Queen Anne's
St. Mary's
LRP Statistics
The LRP geographic mapping site uses the latest in internet mapping technology to allow users to graphically search through the state's database for information on Brownfields, Voluntary Cleanup Program, and State Mater List sites as well as other information such as census data, land use maps, legislative district data, and more.
MDE has not developed a Brownfields list because of the stigma that may be attached to the sites included on such a list. However, some local jurisdictions and municipalities have compiled information on underutilized properties. Baltimore City, for example, has developed a Geographic Information System (GIS) inventory of vacant and underutilized industrial and commercial sites. This GIS inventory provides site-specific information on more than 1,000 properties citywide with special emphasis on properties within the Empowerment Zone. For information about the Baltimore City GIS inventory, please contact the Baltimore City Department of Planning at 410-396-8356. For other jurisdictions, contact the local environmental health or economic development office.
MDE is required to maintain a list of potential hazardous waste sites in the State. This list is known as the "State Master List." It includes properties known by the State to be contaminated or potentially contaminated and includes sites on the federal CERCLIS list. We also know that there are many sites that probably will qualify as Brownfields that are not on the State Master List. Although the only list MDE maintains is the State Master List, it should not be considered a list of Brownfields. For more information about the list, please call MDE at 410-537-3493.
Glossary of Terms
BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure)
Department of Defense facilities that have been closed under federal Base Realignment and Closure legislation. The environmental conditions of these facilities must be adequately evaluated and appropriate cleanup measures taken in order for the Department of Defense to transfer them for reuse.
Brownfields Assessment has been or is currently being conducted.
State Deferral site. Pursuant to a “Deferral Agreement” between MDE and EPA Region III, NPL caliber sites may be “deferred” to the State for action if it is appropriate and the State has the necessary resources and expertise to address a site.
Federal Facility
Sites under the jurisdiction, custody or control of the Secretary of the Department of Defense that are being assessed, evaluated or remediated in compliance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act.
The “Formerly Investigated Sites List” identifies State Master List sites which MDE has determined that, based on available information, no further action by the State is planned.
Sites that were once used by the military and may have suffered environmental contamination as a result of the military’s activities. FUDS are no longer under the jurisdiction, custody or control of the Secretary of the Department of Defense.
Non-Master List
Includes sites that are currently under investigation or have been previously investigated but are not listed on the State Master List.
Site is currently listed on the EPA’s National Priorities List, a federal list of the nation’s most severely contaminated hazardous waste sites that are generally addressed under the lead of the EPA. A map of NPL sites in Maryland can be found at
Site is listed on MDE’s State Master List which identifies potential hazardous waste sites in Maryland. The SML includes sites currently identified by the EPA’s Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System.
Properties that have applied to, are currently in, or have completed the Voluntary Cleanup Program.
Contact Information
Submit an
electronic comment or call us directly at:
Land Restoration Program
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 625
Baltimore, MD 21230-1719
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