Guidance Binder Materials - (Materials are being added as they are developed)
I. Background & Introduction to Phase II WIP
A. Background & Introduction Presentation (Audio Version, PowerPoint PDF)
B. Introductory Materials
1. Basic Expectations for Phase II WIP
2. Overview of Phase II WIP Development Process
3. Initial Schedule for Developing Phase II WIP
4. Key Technical Focus & Outcome of Phase II
C. Executive Summary of Phase I WIP
D. Executive Summary of Bay TMDL
E. EPA Expectations Letter (Summary and link to full letter)
F. Federal Accountability Framework and EPA Consequences Letter (Summary and link to full letter)
G. 2-Year Milestones Overview (Summary and web link to Maryland's Current 2-Year Milestones)

II. Schedule and Deliverables
A. Revised Schedule - To July 2012
B. Key Deliverables - Due November 18, 2012:
1. Interim Target (2017) MAST Scenario
2. Final Target (2025) MAST Scenario
3. 2-Year 2013 Milestones: To be incorporated into Local WIP Strategy Narrative section of the WIP
4. Local WIP Strategy Narrative
i. See: WIP Report Structure - Guidance (Section III is the local section of the WIP)
ii. See: WIP II Local Strategy Documentation Guidance (Key subsection of the local section of the WIP)
III. Document Template and Guidance
A. Addressing WIP-Elements (In Anticipated Order of Development)
B. Current Capacity & 2-Year Milestones
1. Information Request Worksheets by Sector
i. Current Pace and Program Descriptions for Stormwater Restoration
ii. WWTP flow projections and upgrade plans
iii. Current Pace and Program Descriptions for Septic System Upgrades
iv. Other Programs.
C. Tracking & Reporting
1. Urban BMP Submittal Form (Land use Key)
i. Local Stormwater Reporting Contact List - PDF
D. Watershed Planning Framework (How WIP fits together with local watershed planning)
E. Strategies for Interim Targets (Load Reduction & Gap Analyses)
F. Contingencies (“Plan-B” Strategies)
G. Accounting for Growth in Loads

IV. Maps by County
A. Static maps (Narrative explaining the geography)
B. Google maps (with instructions)
C. Decentralized Wastewater Management Gap Closer Research and Analysis - PDF
V. BLANK - Unused Section
VI. Allocations and Scenarios
A. Phase I WIP Loads based on earlier model - Phase 5.3.0
1. Phase I WIP Summary Loads (statewide and by county)
2. Orientation to the Phase I WIP Summary Loads (Presentation - PDF)
B. Phase II WIP Loads - Phase 5.3.2
1. County Level MAST Scenarios and Loads (October 2012)
VII. BMP Analysis Tool (MAST)
A. Introductory Presentation on Maryland Assessment and Scenario Tool (MAST) - PDF
B. MAST Factsheet - PDF
C. Training Materials and Supplemental Information (Landuse, BMP Information and Effectiveness Maps)
D. How To Share MAST Scenarios - PDF

VIII. BLANK - Unused Section
IX. Frequently Asked Questions
A. Technical Questions on the Phase II WIP Process (6/20/2011) - PDF
X. Available State Resources
A. GIS Resources
B. State Liaison Contact Information
XI. Chesapeake Bay Program and EPA Resources
A. Common BMPs and Efficiencies (leaving MDE website)
B. Scenario Builder Documentation (leaving MDE website)
XII. Additional Documents
A. Maryland's Phase II BMP Approval Protocol - PDF
B. Stormwater Retrofit Cost Estimate Study and Worksheets
1. Costs of Stormwater Management Practices in Maryland Counties, October 10, 2011 - PDF
2. Stormwater Cost Estimate Worksheet - Excel File
3. Stormwater Fee Estimation Worksheet - Illustration - Excel File
C. Final Key WIP Guidance Documents:
1. Revised Phase II WIP Schedule - PDF
2. WIP Report Structure - Including Outline of Local Section of WIP - PDF
3. WIP II Local Team Strategy Guidance - PDF
4. 2-Year Milestone Guidance - PDF
Webinar Information
To listen to the webinar, download the recording zip file. Right click on the downloaded/saved file and select "Extract All" and save the extracted files. To start the recording, open the HTML file labeled "Index".
April 2011 Webinar - Recording - ZIP (Note: There were some technical difficulties and several slides were not recorded.)
Overview Presentation - PDF
MAST Presentation - PDF
Phase I Loads Presentation - PDF
Webinar Q&A - PDF
May 2011 Webinar - Recording - ZIP
2-Year Milestone Guidance - PDF
Maryland's Nutrient Trading Program - PDF
MAST and CBP Phase 5.3.2 Land Use - PDF
Webinar Q&A - PDF
June 2011 Webinar - Recording - ZIP (Note: Due to technical difficulties the voice track and slide show are not synched and could not be fixed. It is suggested, with the audio portion of the webinar running, follow along with either the digital or printed copy of the presentations.
Maryland Phase I WIP Strategy - PDF
MAST Training Overview - PDF
Webinar Q&A - PDF
July 2011 Rural Webinar (July 14, 2011) - Recording - ZIP
Phase II WIP Strategies in a Rural Setting - PDF
Webinar Q&A - PDF
July 2011 MAST Training Webinar (July 19, 2011) - Recording - ZIP
MAST Training Presentation - PDF
Webinar Q&A - PDF
August 2011 MAST Training Webinar for Federal Partners - Recording - ZIP
MAST Presentation - PDF
October 2011 WIP Phase II Webinar Schedule and Final Guidance (Oct 13, 2011)- Recording - ZIP
Guidance Presentation - PDF
May 2012 Webinar (no recording available)
May Webinar - WIP Local Refinements and Implementation - PDF
MAST - How to Copy Scenarios - PDF
November 2012 Webinar (no recording available)
November 2012 Webinar Presentation - Following Phase II WIP Development - PDF
November 2012 Webinar Q&A - PDF