Maryland's Phase I Watershed Implementation Plan for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
On December 29, 2010, EPA issued its FINAL Chesapeake Bay TMDL (leaving MDE) presenting a pollution “diet” to restore and protect the Bay. On the same day EPA accepted Maryland's Final Phase I Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP). Before the Phase I Plan was finalized, a 45-day public review of a draft version of the Plan was conducted. Comments received during the review period have been addressed in a Comment Response Document (CRD). The Final Phase I WIP documents are available in the box below.
In October 2012, Maryland's Final Phase II WIP for the Bay TMDL was posted to this web site. The Phase II WIP provides more detailed pollution reduction strategies to achieve Maryland's Bay restoration goals, including plans developed by the State's local partners in 23 Counties and Baltimore City.
Maryland's Final Phase I Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan |
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