Implementing Maryland’s Action Plan: Building Local Partnerships to Meet Bay Restoration Goals
As part of the reasonable assurance required by EPA for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, Maryland’s Phase II Plan identified a comprehensive set of pollution control strategies that collectively will achieve the nutrient and sediment reductions needed to meet the State’s 2017 and 2025 goals for restoring the Bay and improving local waters. In support of the State’s continuing engagement of its local partners in that effort, this website has been created to serve as a shared resource to provide announcements and materials for meetings and webinars, source sector specific information and other WIP-related documentation, as well as to track and report ongoing implementation progress towards meeting nutrient and sediment reduction targets.
What's New?
Goals and Progress
The Chesapeake Bay Partnership has completed the 2014-2015 milestone period. Maryland's 2015 Progress Summary describes the progress achieved since the Chesapeake Bay TMDL was adopted in 2010.
BayStat allows you to see progress since 1985 by pollutant (nitrogen, phosphorus and sediments), by pollution source sector (Farms, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Stormwater Runoff, Septic Systems and Forestland), and by a variety of geographic scales (Statewide, Five Major Basins, Ten Tributary Strategy Basins and County).
See the “Two-Year Milestones” below for evaluations of Maryland’s progress on near-term commitments.
Two-Year Milestones
To promote continual progress, EPA’s accountability framework for restoring the Chesapeake Bay calls on states to identify milestones to be reached in two-year increments. Below are State and local milestones, status reports, evaluations of progress and guidance.
Key Documents
Additional Information and Related Links
Contact Information
For information on TMDL Implementation contact