2015 Progress Summary
The Chesapeake Bay Partnership has completed the 2014-2015 milestone period. Maryland's 2015 Progress Summary describes the progress achieved since the Chesapeake Bay TMDL was adopted in 2010. You may also be interested in information on progress by all states (leaving MDE).
State Two-Year Milestones
To promote continual progress, EPA’s accountability framework for restoring the Chesapeake Bay calls on states to identify milestones to be reached in two-year increments. .
Maryland’s 2015 Milestones can cover the period July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2015 depending on the milestone category. There are two broad categories of milestones:
- The implementation actions are on-the-ground activities that will result in nutrient and sediment load reductions. The “Implementation Actions” summary table will show the incremental amount of pollution control activity for the two-year milestone period. It will not indicate the cumulative amount of implementation nor the reductions at the end of the milestone period. The cumulative reductions are still being developed using the Chesapeake Bay watershed model. These milestones cover the period of July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2015.
- The program enhancement actions are needed to increase resources and improve the implementation processes to accelerate future restoration. These programmatic milestones cover the period of January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015.
EPA Evaluation of Maryland's Milestones
EPA conducted evaluations of the Bay watershed jurisdictions' 2014-2015 Milestone progress and their 2014-2015 Milestone commitments. EPA's evaluation of Maryland's two-year milestone achievements and commitments is available in both a two-page summary "fact sheet" as well as the complete final evaluation document.
A watershed-wide fact sheet provides a summary of EPA's evaluation of all the Bay watershed jurisdictions' milestones. The complete evaluations are available on EPA's Chesapeake Bay TMDL Milestones web site (leaving MDE).
Local Two-Year Milestones
In early 2014, the County-based Local WIP Teams submitted Two-Year Milestones to MDE that identify programmatic and implementation goals they will strive to meet during the 2014-2015 milestone period. The local WIP milestones reflect the near-term commitments of Maryland’s partners in the collaborative effort to restore the Chesapeake Bay and our local rivers, lakes and streams. The Local 2014-2015 Milestones are provided below. In early 2015, a number of jurisdictions submitted interim status updates on their Milestone progress. The updated Milestone reports are included in the links below and indicated by the + symbol.
* 2013 Final Reports are included in the Local 2014-2015 Milestone Goals
** No Milestones received to date
+ Interim Status Updates
^Final Status Updates
Other Partner 2015 Milestone Goals
Contact Information
Please direct questions or comments to mde.chesapeakewip@maryland.gov.
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