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Here you can find information on current and past events, as well as important dates, deadlines, and timelines related to Chesapeake Bay cleanup.
Five regional WIP workshops were held in September and October 2016 throughout the State of Maryland. The presentations are now available. All presentations are on the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology website (leaving MDE).
Topics of Discussion:
Special thanks to the Town Creek Foundation for providing support for this workshop.
The Symposium presented the basic concepts of trading and the role of trading in Bay restoration efforts, including accelerating nutrient and sediment reductions, lowering the high costs of reaching and maintaining loading caps, providing the funding for conservation practices, and generating supplemental farm income and other financial benefits. The Symposium is sponsored by the Maryland Departments of the Environment and Agriculture in collaboration with the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and Maryland Grain Producers.
Presentations and Videos (all Leaving MDE) are provided below:
On Monday, October 26, 2015, MDE and MDP hosted a webinar that discussed Version 1 of Chesapeake Bay Program's Phase 6 watershed model land-use. The Phase 6 modeling tools are being developed to inform the Phase III WIPs. The webinar covered the following topics related to the Phase 6 watershed model land-use, general Overview of Version 1, incorporation of Local Jurisdiction Data, Maryland Specific Methodologies, and future Improvements for Version 2. The link to the recording of the webinar is provided below.
MDE and MDP hosted a webinar that discussed the development of the Chesapeake Bay Program's Phase 6 watershed model land-use for Maryland. The Phase 6 modeling tools are being developed to inform the Phase III WIPs. MDE, MDP, and USGS presented on the Land-Use Classifications, Incorporation of Local Jurisdiction Data, and Maryland Specific Methodologies.
MDE and CBP hosted a webinar on the BMP Verifcation Framework. Rich Batiuk, Chair of the CBP BMP Verification Committee, provided a briefing and presentation on what is contained in the framework and how enhanced verification of nutrient and sediment pollutant reducing practices will be implemented over time.
MDE presented a webinar on the features of the new TMDL Data Center website on June 11, 2014. This presentation gives an overview of the function and use of the resources available on the TMDL Data Center website for developing Stormwater Wasteload Allocation (SW-WLA) Implementation Plans.
To promote and support continuing local involvement in the Bay restoration process, the State is conducting quarterly engagement sessions (Overview: Maryland WIP Local Engagement).
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