CSX Transportation operates a coal, ore, limestone, and other dry material storage, transfer and shipment terminal in the Curtis Bay community at 1910 Benhill Avenue in Baltimore, MD 21226.
The facility's current state Permit to Operate was issued on October 1, 2018, with an original expiration date of September 30, 2023. On July 18, 2023, the Department of the Environment received an application from CSX Transportation to renew the facility's Air Quality State Permit to Operate.
The permit has been administratively extended per COMAR, which allows continued operation of a source pending final action on an application for the renewal of an operating permit if the source has submitted a timely and complete application and is in compliance with the prior State Permit to Operate. The Department extended the existing permit to give additional time to incorporate evidence from community air monitoring research.
The Department has received input from the community on multiple occasions by attending meetings of the Community of Curtis Bay Association and collaborating with community scientists, the South Baltimore Community Land Trust, Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland on a study confirming the presence of airborne coal dust. The Department has included the following protective measures in the draft renewal permit:
Construct a physical barrier to prevent coal dust from reaching the surrounding community from the coal storage piles on site.
Install a water application system to apply water to rail cars loaded with coal at the property line when they enter the northern end of the facility.
Enhance the existing water application system at the railcar unloading sheds inside the facility by adding special spray nozzles that capture airborne particles as coal is transferred from railcars to conveyer belts.
The comment period expired on December 16, 2024.