Vaughn Greene Funeral Services



On June 8, 2020, Vaughn Greene Funeral Services, PA (Vaughn Greene) submitted an “air quality permit to construct" application to the Maryland Department of the Environment's (MDE) Air and Radiation Administration (ARA) for the installation of a Matthews Environmental Solutions Power-Pak II Plus human crematory.  The proposed installation would be located at 4905 York Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21212.​

The proposed human crematory is a state permit to operate listed source of air pollution in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) In accordance with COMAR, expanded public participation is required for permit to construct applications subject to operating permit requirements.

The Department issued an air quality permit to construct on December 17, 2024 after a determination that the proposed human crematory complies with all applicable air quality regulations. 

The final permit to construct includes the following changes to address public concerns expressed in the comments received:

  • A limit on the maximum rated heat input of the burner of 3.0 million Btu per hour based on a revised compliance demonstration.
  • Clarification that the existing condition prohibiting combustion of halogenated plastics also includes plastics containing perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in addition to plastics containing polyvinylchloride.​
  • Added municipal waste to the list of prohibited waste materials to be combusted and corrected or added appropriate regulatory citations for the definitions of hazardous waste, hospital waste, medical/infectious waste, and municipal waste.
  • Incorporated the Maryland Department of Health crematory and crematory operator requirements in COMAR 10.29.18 and COMAR 10.29.19 by reference into the permit to construct.
  • Included the exact addresses of facilities currently owned, operated, or controlled by Vaughn Greene Funeral Services to clearly identify and limit the locations where human remains can be sourced.
  • Removed the allowance to use performance test results from an identical crematory unit at another location in lieu of performing on-site tests.  The permit to construct now requires that the performance tests for particulate matter emissions and metal emissions be performed on Vaughn Greene Funeral Services, PA’s actual human crematory unit.

​Important Documents

Supplement C to Docket No. 09-20 – This supplement includes the notice of final determination, the Department’s final determination and response to comments, the public comments received, and the final issued permit to construct. ​

Supplement B to Docket No. 09-20​ – This 2024 supplement includes the draft permit conditions, notice of public hearing, environmental justice information, fact sheet. 

Initial Docket No. 09-20 – This docket includes the Notice of Application and Opportunity to Request an Informational Meeting and the original air quality permit to construct application submitted by the applicant and evidence of Zoning approval.

Supplement A to Docket No. 09-20​ – This supplement includes the Notice of Application and Informational Meeting and supplemental technical information submitted by the applicant.

Status Update Meeting Presentation – On December 13, 2023, a community meeting was held to provide the public with an update on the status of the air quality permit to construct application submitted by the applicant.