Draft Part 70 Permit Comment Periods Opportunity for Public Review

The following draft permits are available for public review and comment at the Department and also at the library nearest the facility. A notice was published on the “Beginning” date as listed in the table below in the legal section of a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the facility is or will be located.

Interested persons may submit written comments or request a public hearing on the draft permit.  Written comments must be received by the Department no later than 30 days from the publication date of the newspaper notice indicated in the following table as "end".  

All written comments and requests for public hearings may be addressed to: Ms. Shannon Heafey, Title V Coordinator, Maryland Department of the Environment, Air and Radiation Administration, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 720, Baltimore, MD 21230-1720, or via email to Ms. Heafey's attention at:  shannon.heafey@maryland.gov. Please contact Ms. Heafey with any questions regarding the Title V  public participation process at 410-537-4433 or via email.

Comments and requests for a public hearing will be accepted by the Department if they raise issues of law or material fact regarding applicable requirements of Title V of the Clean Air Act, and/or regulations implementing the Title V Program in Maryland found in COMAR.

A Request for public hearing shall include the following:

  1. The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the person making the request;
  2. The names and addresses of any other persons for whom the person making the request is representing; and
  3. The reason why a hearing is requested, including the air quality concern that forms the basis for the request and how this concern relates to the person making the request.


 Current Draft Part 70 Permits 

Click on the Docket Number to see contents

Congoleum Corporation013-00132/5/20253/6/2025
Sandy Hill Creative Disposal Project033-18622/13/20253/14/2025
US Gypsum Company510-01062/27/20253/27/2025
NASA Goddard#033-06753/6/20254/4/2025

Scheduled Part 70/Title V Hearings


Petitions to EPA for  Part 70/Title V Permit Objections

After the 45-day review period for EPA has expired, citizens may petition EPA to object to a Part 70/ Title V permit.  The EPA will only consider objections to the federally enforceable parts of the Part 70 Permit that have been raised during the 30-day citizen review period, unless: (1) the petitioner demonstrates that it was impractical to raise the objection during the public comment period, or (2) the grounds for the objection arose after the close of the public comment period.  The petition must be submitted to EPA  within 60 days after the EPA 45-day review period expires. If EPA agrees with the petition, the Department will reopen, revise, or revoke the permit.

Deadlines for filing petitions may be found at:
