We can all play a part in helping to clean Maryland’s air. Vehicle idling results in emissions of carbon dioxide, particulate matter and nitrogen oxide - all pollutants that harm the environment. Additionally, idling represents a significant health issue for children and people with existing respiratory issues like asthma and emphysema. Because of these reasons, many states have identified idling as an important issue that needs to be addressed.
The Maryland Department of the Environment is committed to bringing together citizens, the trucking industry, schools and educational institutions, and other stakeholders to realize that five minutes matter when you needlessly idle your engine.
Our Idle Free MD program is just getting started. Check back often for updates or sign up to join our mailing list.
Maryland State Department of Education and Maryland Department of the Environment recommend that schools create an idling policy to keep the air clean in and around school communities. Click here to see the schools and green centers who have signed up so far and joined the idle reduction Honor Roll.