Diesel Vehicle Information

MD/DC/VA Diesel Idle Reduction Campaign

Diesel Emissions Health and Environmental Effects

Health and environmental effects related to diesel emissions.


Links to Maryland regulations relevant to the Diesel Vehicle Emissions Control Program and to Federal regulations regarding diesel fuel and emissions.

Diesel Fact Sheets

Detailed information about diesel-related topics, including biodiesel fuel, retrofit technology, and idling technology.

Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects

​Maryland Department of the Environment's diesel vehicle replacement and retrofit projects.

Diesel Vehicle Emissions Control Program (DVECP)

What to do if a vehicle fails the diesel emissions test, and how to become a certified diesel emissions retester (CDER).

Statewide Contract for Purchase of Diesel Emissions Control Devices

Annual blanket purchase orders (BPOs), for parts and labor that have met Maryland's specifications, terms, and conditions to retrofit heavy-duty diesel vehicles.

Certified Diesel Emissions Retesters

Certified Diesel Emissions Retesters (or CDERs) and how to become one.

Failing the Emissions Test

Options for vehicles registered in and outside of Maryland, and state smoke opacity standards.

Useful Web ​Links​

Links to useful diesel and mobile sources-related websites.

Contact Information​

For additional information, contact Tim Shepherd at (410)537-3270 or email tim.shepherd@maryland.gov.​​