Bay Cleanup for Non-Government Partners
Non-Government partners play a critical role in Bay cleanup.
Image courtesy of Max Tucker - MDE.
Get Involved in Local Bay Cleanup!
Are you a homeowner, business owner, faith community leader, or just someone who wants to help restore the Chesapeake Bay? If so, you are one of MDE's non-government partners and a vital part of our Bay cleanup efforts.
Our non-government partners' page provides Bay Cleanup resources to help you get involved with local Bay cleanup efforts so that you can make a difference in your community.
Learn more about how you can make a difference in your community.
Our Partnership with Environmental Leaders in Agriculture
Maryland works to engage its farmers in Bay restoration.
Image courtesy of Jane Thomas - IAN, UMCES.
Maryland's Farmers are Cleaning the Bay
Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) partners closely with MDE to achieve Bay cleanup goals. Cooperation and partnership with our local agricultural communities is imperative to successful Bay cleanup. Through this partnership, MDE and MDA work closely to help Farmers reduce their impacts on the Bay and local waters. These environmental leaders in agriculture pioneer local cleanup programs and spur innovation within their communities. By engaging in leadership and collaboration with MDE and MDA, farmers are making major contributions to Chesapeake Bay restoration.
Visit Maryland Department of Agriculture to learn how our farmers are protecting the Bay (leaving MDE).
About our Local Partners
MDE partners with local county and city governments to achieve Bay cleanup goals. Our valued local partners work with MDE to design effective Watershed Implementation Plans that guide Bay restoration at the local level.
By designing effective WIPs, our local partners ensure successful local Bay cleanup and help Maryland to achieve its 2025 TMDL goals. Additionally, our local partners are also responsible for many of the local restoration projects that help clean the Bay. These projects are essential to achieving Bay Cleanup Plan goals and would not be possible without the close cooperation of our local partners.
Contact Information
Please direct questions or comments to Kathy Stecker.