How Maryland will address additional nitrogen loads attributable to 2025 climate conditions
A 2022
Addendum to Maryland’s Phase III WIP accounts for additional nutrient pollutant loads due to 2025 climate change conditions. An Appendix to the Addendum describes recent climate change related legislation, research, and incentives that are important to achieving Maryland’s broader climate mitigation and adaptation goals.
Maryland's Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP), published on August 23, 2019, is designed to be locally-driven, achievable, and balanced. Nitrogen is the primary focus in the plan because Maryland is well on track to meet its 2025 phosphorus and sediment goals.
Implementation of the Phase III WIP strategy by local partners is imperative to Maryland achieving its Chesapeake Bay cleanup goals. This implementation is guided by an adaptive management process that incorporates the latest knowledge and builds on lessons learned.
Maryland's Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP): FINAL
Below, you can find the finalized Maryland's Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan to Restore Chesapeake Bay by 2025 in PDF format. To download, please click the desired link. You have the option to download the entire report or specific sections of the report.
Document Information
Draft Phase III WIP Posted: April 12, 2019
Public Comment: April 12 - June 7, 2019
Final Phase III WIP Posted: August 23, 2019
Supplemental Documents
The following documents provide information that is intended to support and add to the material found in Maryland's Phase III WIP.
Contact Information