Tips to Ensure the Air is Safe to Breathe and to Reduce Ground Level Ozone
Citizens' Tips for Keeping a Clean Environment
Water Conservation Tips
- Car pool, vanpool, use mass transit, telework, bike, or walk when possible. Cars are the largest sources of air pollution in most urban areas of Maryland. When you do use your car, plan ahead and combine trips and errands. If you are buying a new car, choose a fuel efficient and low emissions model.
- Live near your work.
- Properly maintain your vehicle and keep tires properly inflated.
- Limit idling when possible, avoid quick starts, and drive within the speed limit.
- Refuel cars after 6:00 PM to limit daytime pollution releases, and don't top off your tank.
- Keep lawn equipment and boats properly tuned. Do not use lawn mowers and other gas-powered lawn tools on Ozone Action Days, or use electric tools instead.
- Use electric or natural gas grills instead of charcoal and lighter fluids.
- Use environmentally-safe paints and cleaning products. Delay use of oil-based paints until after 6:00 PM or after smog season.
- Conserve energy and turn off lights when you aren't using them. Set air conditioners to 78 degrees or higher or use a fan whenever possible.
- When buying a new appliance, buy one that is energy efficient.
- Remember, most of the energy we use comes from the burning of fuel - the more energy-efficient we are, the less we pollute.
- Report suspected air pollution violations to the Department, 24-hours per day, at (866) 633-4686.