Just Transition Employment and Retraining Working Group Resources



  • Maryland DNR Conservation Careers Guide

    • DNR resource that provides guidance to Marylanders, particularly students, who are interested in entering a conservation-based career. The resource offers background on what qualifies as a conservation career, provides career spotlights from successful individuals in the field, offers educational and workforce development pathways, and advice on how to apply for jobs in the conservation field.


  • US Climate Alliance Framework and Resource Guide (August 2022)

    • USCA and BlueGreen Alliance report that provides guiding principles and intended outcomes, strategies for achieving equity, existing in-state legislative actions, and additional state strategies to achieve an equitable and just transition.

  • Guidance on Supportive Services for Child Care and Long-term Care
    • Guide from the U.S. Department of Labor that details how key stakeholders in workforce development can invest in supportive care services to assist their workers and promote job equity, including best practices and example strategies.

  • Good Jobs Principles
    • Framework from the U.S. Department of Labor and Department of Commerce on what comprises a good job, including how to implement the principles across sectors.
  • Skills-First Hiring Starter Kit
    • A guide from the Good Jobs Initiative from the U.S. Departments of Labor and Commerce on how to maintain skills-first strategies for hiring, promotion, and talent management. Intended to further the conversation around job equality by promoting workers based on their skills, rather than college degrees or other indicators.
  • Job Quality Toolkit
    • Tool created by the U.S. Department of Commerce to aid small- to medium-sized organizations ensure they offer high quality jobs to increase worker satisfaction and engagement, resulting in a more competitive position in the marketplace.
  • Good Jobs in Federal Investments: A Toolkit for Employers, Workers, and Government
    • Tool from the U.S. Department of Labor that provides further information on their Good Jobs Initiative, outlines the structure of a good job, and offers action items to ensure equity and job quality across the board.


  • MEA & NASEO Maryland 2021 Clean Energy Industry Report

    • MEA and NASEO report that details employment and findings across five key sectors of the clean energy economy: Energy Efficiency; Clean Energy Generation; Alternative Transportation; Clean Grid and Storage; and Clean Fuels. Data from 2016 through 2021.

  • Maryland Just Transition Study Update for the 2030 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan, by Towson University (October 2021)

    • MDE and RESI (Towson University) report that evaluated the economic dislocations resulting from potential carbon mitigation strategies as part of the State’s 2030 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act (GGRA) Plan.

  • Maryland Workforce Needs Assessment Report identified the baseline workforce of fully qualified energy workers, projects the future energy efficiency workforce demand, and provides resources for the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) to utilize for workforce tracking and development opportunities.

  • The Building Energy Implementation Task Force of 2023 was established due to the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 and provided recommendations to the General Assembly and Governor on implementation needs for Maryland's building decarbonization efforts. The Task Force published a report that recommends best practices for buildings, including funding and financing, workforce development, limited income housing support, supporting Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS), and other building sector initiatives.​​