Additional Resources


  • Baltimore City
  • Other State
  • Support and Advocacy
    • Green and Healthy Homes Initiative- Advocacy, health care provider, community outreach and education:, 1-800-370-5323 (toll free in Maryland) or 410-534-6447
    • National Center for Healthy Housing, formerly the National Center for Lead Safe Housing: 

Espanol (Spanish)

Laws, Regulations and Guidelines

  • Maryland General Assembly, Use this link to acess Maryland statutes. Maryland's lead laws are primarily found in the following sections of Title 6 of the Environment Article: sections 6-301 through 6-305 (Lead-Base Paint); sections 6-801 through 6-852 (Reduction of Lead Risk in Housing); sections 6-1001 through 6-1005 (Accreditation of Lead Abatement Services); and sections 6-1301 through 6-1311 (Lead-Containing Children's Products).
  • Maryland Division of State Documents, Use this link to look up Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). Maryland's lead regulations are primarly found in COMAR Title 26, Department of the Environment.
  • US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Use this link to look up Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing.
  • Response to Comments for Proposed Lead Regulations​,​ Use this link to review MDE's response to public comments received on MDE's April 2020 proposed action to amend regulations regarding blood lead reporting, lead-contaminated dust testing for lead abatement and the risk reduction standards, and performing environmental investigations for lead-poisoning cases. A copy of the April 2020 proposed action discussed in the comments and responses can be viewed by clicking here​.
  • Updated Lead Regulations​ - Effective July 1, 2020​, Use this link to access the revised lead regulations, adopted on June 9, 2020, for blood lead reporting, lead-contaminated dust testing for lead abatement and the risk reduction standards, and performing environmental investigations for lead-poisoning cases.

Lead Education

Lead in Children's Products


Contact Information

MDE Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
410-537-3825 or 1-800-633-6101, Ext. 3825​