Instructions for submitting videos to the Maryland Green Registry

  1. Film a practice or piece of equipment at your facility that reduces waste, saves energy or water, or provides other positive environmental benefits and cost savings.
  2. Upload your video file to a video websharing site (see below).  Free accounts on these sites may limit the length of your video, but for the purposes of this library, shorter is better (about two minutes). You are welcome ​to submit more than one video to showcase different practices at your facility.

  3. Send the link to and tell us which of these practices are featured in your video (you can indicate more than one):
    Environmental Management and Leadership
    Green Teams
    Goal Setting
    Environmentally Preferable Products and Services
    Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
    Community Environmental Projects
    Waste Reduction and Reuse
    Hazardous Waste/Toxic Use Reduction
    Energy Efficiency
    Renewable Energy
    Employee Commute
    Efficient Business Travel and Fleet Vehicles
    Water Conservation
    Stormwater Management and Site Design
    Green Building

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The Mar​yland Green Registry is...

  • Free:
    There is no cost to join. Simply create a member profile sharing your environmental best practices.
  • Flexible:
    You choose the activities that make the most sense for your organization.
  • Inclusive:
    The Maryland Green Registry is open to organizations and facilities of all types and sizes in both owned and leased space.
  • Interactive:
    Learn here​ what other Maryland Green Registry members are doing to reduce their environmental impacts and receive staff support on checklist measures.

See Maryland Green Registry at Linked In   See Maryland Green Registry Photostream
