WIP Phase II County Plans
Section III of Maryland’s Phase II WIP is comprised of the 24 sub-sections provided below, documenting each county area’s Phase II WIP contributions, specifically for the source sectors of urban stormwater, wastewater treatment plants, and septic systems. The local WIP reports vary in length and detail, but generally include the following information:
- Overview of Local WIP Team process, description of team membership, and summary of Phase II WIP efforts
- Local area narrative strategies to achieve nutrient and sediment reductions
- Local area 2012-2013 Milestones
- Description of local area tracking and reporting methods
- Optional description of local watershed planning frameworks
- Optional documentation of technical discrepancies, recommended future steps to address concerns.
Following completion of Maryland's Phase II WIP on March 30, 2012, the Phase II development schedule was extended to mid-July to provide additional time for Maryland's local partners to continue refining their county-scale plans. A number of revised WIP narrative reports were submitted by the local teams to MDE in July, and are included in the updated final Phase II WIP documentation, as indicated below.
PLEASE NOTE: Strategies for the Agricultural sector in each county are included in the State and major-basin strategies provided in Section I of this report. Implementation strategies for State and federal lands are also included in the State strategies in Section I, based on assigned levels of effort for these lands that are comparable to the implementation levels required from the source sectors generally across the Maryland Bay watershed. Although the Phase II WIP provides broad levels of effort for implementation on federal lands to meet aggregate reduction targets, Maryland provided more detailed planning targets to federal agencies in order to support the development of federal facility implementation plans (FFIPs) and 2-year milestone commitments that either are or will be incorporated by reference into the Phase II WIP documentation as they are completed. Appendix F of this report provides the federal facility and agency plans submitted to date in support of Maryland’s Phase II WIP.
County/City Documents
Click on the jurisdiction name and the file for the jurisdiction will appear in .pdf format.
* Updated Submittals July, 2012
**Updated Submittal August 2013
Contact Information
Please direct questions or comments to mde.chesapeakewip@maryland.gov.
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