Testing for Lead in Drinking Water - Public and Nonpublic Schools


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I​​​​MPORTANT: Submission of Test Results for Lead in Drinking Water Samples Collected between July 2, 2023, and July 1, 2024, under State Law​
Date: August 23, 2024

​​Dear School Representative,

This email applies to your school if:

  • Lead samples were collected from drinking water outlets at your school (under Maryland law*) between July 2, 2023, and July 1, 2024;


  • Your school received a laboratory report with results from this testing.

If neither of these conditions apply to your school, please disregard this email.

If both of the conditions apply to your school, the test results and required documentation (see below) should be submitted to Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) by September 15, 2024**, to be included in the 2024 annual report to the Governor and the Maryland General Assembly.

*The Maryland law includes: Testing for Lead in Drinking Water - Public and Nonpublic Schools (Chapter 386 (House Bill 270), Acts of 2017) and School Buildings - Drinking Water Outlets - Elevated Level of Lead (Safe School Drinking Water Act) (Chapter 237 (House Bill 636), Acts of 2021).

**September 15, 2024, is the deadline for submission of test results and required documentation (NOT for conducting testing).

Please be sure to include all of the following required documentation in order to complete the submission to MDE:

The forms may be accessed by clicking on the links above and can also be found on MDE's web page. Since State forms are periodically updated, clicking on the above links and/or locating the forms on MDE's web page will ensure that schools are using the most recent version of these forms. For additional information and requirements related to these forms, please refer to the “Reporting Documents” section on pages 2 and 3 of Testing Requirements and Related Documents.

The submission should be emailed to:  TestResults.LeadSchoolWater@maryland.gov

For reporting to local agencies and other State agencies, please refer to Reporting of Lead Sampling Results, which can also be found on MDE's web page.

We appreciate your efforts to meet the requirements of Maryland law and regulations. Please contact the Water Supply Program’s Lead in Drinking Water Division via email at Reporting.LeadSchoolWater@maryland.gov with any questions or concerns.

***PLEASE NOTE*** This email is being sent to ALL schools subject to lead testing in drinking water under Maryland law, not just those schools scheduled to conduct lead testing between July 2, 2023, and July 1, 2024.  If your school did NOT collect any lead samples between July 2, 2023, and July 1, 2024, the submission deadline does NOT apply to your school, and you may disregard this email.  Per Maryland regulations, unless the school has an approved waiver, testing must be conducted during the regular school year and while school is in session at a three year frequency.  If your school was scheduled to conduct lead testing by July 1, 2024, but the testing was not conducted, your school must wait until it is back in session before conducting the testing.  Details on testing requirements can be found in Testing Requirements and Related Documents.


Testing for Lead in Drinking Water in Public and Nonpublic Schools​​