Every water system must provide this report to customers by July 1, covering water quality information from the previous year.
Each report includes important details about your drinking water, such as:
💧 Where Your Water Comes From: Find out if your water comes from groundwater wells, surface water (like rivers or reservoirs), or is purchased from another system. The report also explains any potential contaminants that could enter the supply.
🔬 What’s in Your Water: You’ll see a table listing any contaminants detected in the water, their concentrations, and their potential sources. The report also explains whether these levels meet safety standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
⚠️ Violations and Safety Notices: If your water system violated any drinking water regulations during the year, the report will explain what happened, how it was corrected, and whether the system is now in compliance.
📢 Important Health and Safety Information: Some contaminants, such as lead, nitrates, arsenic, and Cryptosporidium, can pose health risks if found in high levels. The report provides details on these substances if they were detected, along with general information about potential contaminants in drinking water.
📝 Understanding Regulations: The report defines key EPA safety standards, such as Maximum Contaminant Levels and Treatment Techniques, so you can better understand how your water is tested and regulated.
👥 How to Stay Informed and Get Involved: The report includes contact details for your water system and information on how you can participate in decisions that affect local water quality.
Want to check your report now? Click on your county link below to find the latest water quality reports for community water systems in your area. If you don’t see your water system listed, contact your water supplier directly to request a copy.
Clean, safe drinking water starts with awareness—find out what’s in your water today! 🚰✅
Find My Drinking Water Quality Report
Contact information
If you have additional questions, please contact our Water Supply Program at
or 410-537-3729, or call EPA's Safe Drinking Water Act Hotline at 1(800)426-4791.
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