Plan Review for State and Federal Projects

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State and Federal Projects

The Plan Review Division re​views construction plans on state and federal projects for consistency with Stormwater Management regulations (SWM) and Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) regulations, then issue approval. Projects disturbing less than 5000 sf are exempted from SWM, and if the disturbance is also below 100 cy, no ESC review​ or approval is required.

Submitting a Project

​Projects are submitted electroni​cally to the Sediment and Stormwater Plan Review Division (SSPRD) via email to Please refer to the electronic submittal instructions​. Although this process was developed as a result of COVID, it's here to stay!

Electronic Submittal Instructions

​When your project is ready for approval, the plans will also be approved electronically, and an email will be sent with downloading instructions. If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to email your reviewer or contact the Plan Review Division at 410-537-3563.​

MDE Spreadsheets for use with State & Federal Projects​

The Sediment and Stormwater Plan Review Division has developed computational spreadsheets for State and federal applicants and their designers to calculate a project’s stormwater management requirements. All projects, except ​those exclusively eligible for a waiver in accordance with Section 3.3.A of the Guidelines, will be required to use these spreadsheets. Complet​​e Instructions for the spreadsheets are provided in Technical Memorandum No. 11​. ​​

Storm​water Management (SWM) Calculator

Environmental Site Design Summary Sheet (​ESDSS)

Water Q​uality Summary Sheet (WQSS)

Provided Treatment: Achieved PE, Treated ESDV, and Treated ReV

Please note, these spreadsheets and technical memoranda are intended for use by State and federal agencies for projects submitted to the Sediment and Stormwater Plan Review Division.

Questions about the review of State and federal projects should be directed to Ms. Amanda Malcolm at (410) 537-3551 or by email at


Gu​idelines and Resources

​​The Department maintains the publication entitled "Maryland Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for State and Federal Projects". These Guidelines supplement the Stormwater Management Regulations (COMAR 26.17.02) and the "2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual, Volumes I & II​". The Guidelines provide information necessary for the submittal of stormwater management and erosion and sediment control plans by State and federal agencies to the Department's Water and Science Administration for review and approval. The guidelines and application may be downloaded here:

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