The Onsite Systems Division provides technical assistance and direction to County Health Departments and Local Approving Authorities for the implementation of delegated programs for Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems (OSDS) and individual wells. This is of the utmost importance in carrying out our mission of protecting groundwater quality and public health.
Some of the functions of the Onsite Systems Division are:
- Co-review of OSDS equal to or greater than 5,000 gpd for compliance with the Large System Guidelines.
- Provide guidance on the applicability and design of alternative and innovative systems
- Provide guidance on the proper interpretation and enforcement of COMAR regulations 26.04.02, 26.04.03, 26.04.04 and 26.04.05, concerning onsite sewage disposal systems, subdivision of land, well construction and shared facilities
- Provide guidance for site and soil evaluation, construction inspections, and enforcement issues
- Provide or approve training for sand mound construction, at-grade mound construction, best available technology (BAT) installation, operation and maintenance of BAT systems and inspection of septic systems for property transfers
- Maintain a list of Individuals who have taken an approved course in the proper inspection of OSDS for property transfer
- Well Construction inspection and permitting
State Board of On-Site Wastewater Professionals & Registration for Individuals Providing On-Site Wastewater Service in Maryland
As of December 31, 2022, any individual performing any activity associated with the on-site disposal of wastewater must register with the Board. This includes the design, installation, operation and maintenance, pumping, repair or property transfer inspection of an on-site septic system.
Property Transfer Inspector License
Effective July 1, 2022 any individual performing a property transfer inspection for an on-site sewage disposal system must be licensed by the Board of On-Site Wastewater Professionals. For licensing requirements, application and details, click the link below:
Training for Certifications
MDE's On-Site Systems Division provides training courses to certify individuals to install the following systems. Information and registration
- Sand Mounds Systems
- At-Grade Systems
- BAT Systems (training from individual manufacturers is also required)
MDE's Plan for Bermed Infiltration Ponds (BIPs)
To protect public health and the environment, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) is taking a series of steps relating to bermed infiltration ponds, or BIPs. These steps include requiring that requests for new connections or expansion of dwellings to existing BIPs be considered on a case-by-case basis. Starting in August 2021, new construction of BIPs will be suspended for 15 months as MDE explores viable and sustainable solutions for communities served by these ponds. During this period, MDE will perform an in-depth assessment under an action plan developed by the department. MDE will coordinate with local health directors to discuss strategies to support homeowners and communities moving forward.
Our Contractors Online Septic Permit Application
(For Wicomico County Properties Only)
Site Evaluation for Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems
List of Certified Installers and Service Providers
Sand Mound Sewage Disposal Systems
At-grade Mound Sewage Disposal Systems
Guidance for Onsite Systems
For Installers
For Homeowners
Contact Info
If you have additional questions or would like more information, please contact the Wastewater Permits Program, Onsite Systems Division at 410-537-3778.
Additional Information and Related Links