Pages - Greening Your Facility

 Greening Your Facility

Improve Your Environmental Performance and Save Money

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) manages a wide range of regulatory programs that protect our state’s air, land and water resources. Many Maryland businesses, however, aim to go beyond what is required by law to ensure that future generations enjoy the high quality of life and natural environment that our state offers.  MDE supports this proactive approach to environmental management and offers information and technical services to ​help citizens and organizations set and meet their own goals on the path to sustainability.

Learn more about MDE services that support environmental sustainability

Informational Resources 

Technical Assistance 


Informational Resources
Checklists, websites, and other resources
to get you started

Technical Assistance

On-site assessments and other programs
to help you identify opportunities
Share your success and gain recognition through these state programs



Contact Info

For more information about any of these programs and services, please contact Laura Armstrong, MDE Director, Sustainability Program at (410) 537-4119
