Round 3 Volkswagen EVSE Funding Opportunity
1/15/25: The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has developed two frameworks for proposals under Maryland's Volkswagen Mitigation Plan. Please review the Round 3 frameworks carefully before submitting project proposals, as the frameworks were updated to reflect comments received after Round 1 and Round 2.
The first framework covers the requirements for charging infrastructure located at workplaces and government-owned facilities The second framework covers the requirements for DC Fast Charging installations along alternative fuel corridors and at charging hubs.
This is the third and final round of funding for light-duty EVSE installations using funds from the Volkswagen Mitigation Settlement. MDE will accept project proposals for the two frameworks until C.O.B. on April 18th, 2025. The proposal form and supporting documents should be submitted to
Volkswagen Round 2 EVSE Awards:
12/22/21: The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), in coordination with the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA), has developed two frameworks for proposals under Maryland's Volkswagen Mitigation Plan. Please review the Round 2 frameworks carefully before submitting project proposals, as the frameworks were updated to reflect comments received after Round 1.
The first framework covers the requirements for charging infrastructure located at workplaces and government-owned facilities The second framework covers the requirements for DC Fast Charging installations along alternative fuel corridors and at charging hubs.
This is the second round of funding for light-duty EVSE installations using funds from the Volkswagen Mitigation Settlement. MDE will accept project proposals for the two frameworks until C.O.B. on April 15th, 2022. The proposal form and supporting documents should be submitted to
*If having trouble filling out the form, please try downloading the Application first.
8/26/21:The Maryland Department of the Environment, along with the Maryland Energy Administration, has awarded Volkswagen Mitigation funds for projects submitted during the first round of funding under the Electric Corridor Grant Program (ECGP) and Charge Ahead Grant Program (CAGP). This funding, available through the VW Mitigation Program will award over $3.68M to install Level 2 electric vehicle stations and Level 3 electric vehicle DC Fast Charging stations throughout Maryland. The following sites were selected for awards in each program.
8/17/21: MDE, in partnership with the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA), aims to open the second round of funding for both the Charge Ahead Grant Program (CAGP) and the Electric Corridors Grant Program (ECGP) by the end of 2021. Prior to that, MDE/MEA would like to solicit feedback regarding the first round of funding on both the application process and the Program frameworks. In particular, feedback is sought on incentive levels and technical specification requirements. This will help MDE/MEA determine if any adjustments should be instituted for the second round of the programs. The comment period will open from August 17th thru September 30th. To be considered, all comments must be submitted thru the Maryland VW email address at When submitting, please put "(Organization Name) Comments-EVSE 2nd Round" in the subject line. The program frameworks and proposal form used in the first round are below for reference.
The proposal period for the first round of EVSE funding is now closed.
MDE's Volkswagen Mitigation Plan project proposal period is now closed. Applications are being reviewed and projects selected for funding will be notified once the process is complete. Projects selected for funding and approved by the Volkswagen Trustee are detailed at the bottom of this page.
This proposal period was not applicable for projects related to zero emission vehicle infrastructure. Applications for zero emission vehicle infrastructure will continue to be accepted past the deadline while the scope and criteria for this portion of the funding is still under development. More details on this source of funding will be available at a later date.
Maryland's Mitigation Plan is available
Project Proposal Template is available