The Maryland Department of the Environment enforces State and federal environmental laws to protect public health and our land, air, water and wetlands resources.
The majority of the Department’s enforcement and compliance activities involve working with permit holders to correct any minor deficiencies with no formal enforcement action taken or financial penalties assessed. This assistance may be the most efficient method to achieve compliance. If an inspection reveals a significant violation, or if minor violations continue to recur and become a significant problem, then enhanced actions are warranted. Such action may take the form of penalties, corrective orders, the filing of injunctions and, in some cases, criminal sanctions.
Below are recent enforcement actions brought to a resolution with financial penalties of $10,000 or more.
Air Pollution and Radiation Enforcement Actions
The Department of the Environment’s Air and Radiation Administration ensures that all citizens and businesses are meeting the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act as well as Maryland’s air pollution control laws. The administration oversees air pollution monitoring, planning and control programs to improve and maintain air quality and a radiation control program to protect the public and occupational workers from unnecessary exposure to radiation from medical equipment and other devices, in conformance with federal and state law.
Holcim Cement – Washington County
On January 12, 2023, MDE issued a $18,000 penalty to the Holcim Cement plant to address alleged air pollution violations. Holcim operated 13 days without operating an air pollution control device. The company has paid the penalty and resolved that alleged violation. On March 17, 2023, MDE issued a stipulated penalty demand letter for $112,500 to Holcim Cement for alleged violations of terms of a settlement agreement signed in January 2022. Holcim has paid the stipulated penalty to satisfy the terms of the settlement agreement.
Schmidt Baking – Baltimore County
On February 8, 2023, MDE issued a $14,000 penalty action to the Schmidt Baking Company to address alleged air pollution violations. Schmidt improperly operated an air pollution control device, resulting in excess emissions of volatile organic compounds. The company has paid the penalty and returned to compliance.
Land Pollution Enforcement Actions
The Mining Program regulates all surface coal and non-coal mining in the State, and the surface effects from deep mining of coal. The purpose of mining permits is to minimize the effects of sediment and other pollution from surface mining. In addition to environmental controls, the permit provides for proper land reclamation and ensures public safety.
Robin Dale Land, LLC – Prince George’s County
On January 4, 2023, MDE issued a Notice of Violation requiring compliance with Maryland’s non-coal mining regulations and seeking $15,000 for alleged violations. The penalty has been paid.
Water pollution enforcement actions
State law prohibits the discharge of any pollutant into waters of the State, unless such discharge is in compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a discharge permit. A person must hold a discharge permit issued by MDE before the person may construct, install, modify, extend, alter or operate any facility or disposal system or any other outlet or establishment if its operation could cause or increase the discharge of pollutants into waters of the State.
State law requires that a person hold a discharge permit issued by the Maryland Department of the Environment before the person may construct, install, modify, extend, alter or operate any facility or disposal system or any other outlet or establishment if its operation could cause or increase the discharge of pollutants into waters of the State.
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Prince George’s County
On February 8, 2023, MDE issued a $44,777 penalty settlement to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to resolve alleged violations resulting from 16 unauthorized discharges at the Piscataway Water Resource Recovery Facility and four unauthorized discharges at the Western Branch Water Resource Recovery Facility between January 2019 and December 2021. The penalty was paid in full.
Highland View Academy - Washington County
On February 16, 2023, MDE issued a $23,000 penalty settlement to resolve 24 alleged effluent violations of the discharge permit at the wastewater treatment facility from January 2018 through April 2022. The penalty was paid in full.
ABF Freight System, Inc. - Howard County
On March 20, 2023, MDE entered into a consent decree with ABF Freight System, Inc. to resolve alleged violations of the General Permit for Discharges from Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities.The consent decree included a civil penalty of $18,214.50, which was paid in full. This action was taken in coordination with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Town of Accident - Garrett County
On March 23, 2023, MDE issued $16,885 in stipulated penalties to the Town of Accident to resolve alleged effluent violations from January 2013 through June 2022. The stipulated penalties were issued in accordance with a consent order. The penalties were paid in full and the consent order was terminated.
Harford County Department of Public Works - Harford County
On March 23, 2023, MDE issued a $15,000 penalty settlement to the Harford County Department of Public Works to resolve discharges from the Harford County sanitary sewer and water supply systems from February 2017 through September 2021. This penalty has been paid in full.
Two Farms Inc. (Royal Farms) - Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester counties
On February 8, 2023, MDE issued a $13,696 penalty settlement to Two Farms Inc. (Royal Farms) to resolve the unauthorized discharges of waste food grease at Royal Farms locations in West Ocean City, Princess Anne, and Salisbury from August 2021 through October 2021. The penalty was paid in full.
Garrett County Department of Public Works –Garrett County
On February 8, 2023, MDE issued a $12,557 penalty settlement to the Garrett County Department of Public Works to resolve alleged violations resulting from sanitary sewer overflows from Garrett County’s collection system and unauthorized discharges at the Deep Creek Lake and Friendsville wastewater treatment plants from December 2017 through June 2020. The penalty was paid in full.
FRESH 2, LLC T/A Bowery Farming - Baltimore County
On February 23, 2023, MDE issued a $12,229 penalty settlement to resolve unauthorized discharges at Bowery Farming May through June 2021. The penalty was paid in full.
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