Grants and Other Financial Assistance Opportunities at MDE


A one-stop shop to help businesses in Maryland easily access resources throughout state agencies.

The following financial assistance is offered and/or facilitated by the Maryland Department of the Environment.  Funding may be in the form of grants, loans, or direct payments for specified uses.

Air and Radiation

Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Program

Provides funding to aid in the development of public access, alternative fuel refilling/charging infrastructure in Ma​ryland. Funding is available for the installation of Propane, Ethanol, DC Fast Chargers, Natural Gas and Hydrogen stations. Funding amount varies by fuel technology. Click here for more information

Contact: Justin Mabrey
              ​(410) 537-4165; (800) 633-6101 x4165



Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Programs

Provides financial incentives and technical assistance to eligible participants in the clean up and redevelopment of under-utilized or abandoned industrial or commercial properties that are contaminated or perceived to be contaminated.  Brownfield Assessments have been temporarily discontinued. Click here for more information.

Contact:  Jim Carroll
              (410) 537-3459; (800) 633-6101 x3459

Electronic Collection and Recycling Grant Program

Counties that have addressed methods for the separate collection and recycling of computers and video display devices in their solid waste management plans and municipalities for local computer and video display device recycling programs are eligible for the grants under the Statewide Electronics Recycling Program.

Ecycling grants are not currently being offered. Details and forms on eCycling grants, when available, are available in the County Coordinator Resources Section of the Department's Waste Diversion web page.

Scrap Tires

Grants are authorized under certain circumstances by scrap tire law but due to the prioritization and projected cost of illegal scrap tire stockpile cleanups for the foreseeable future,  MDE is not accepting applications for any grants from the Used Tire Cleanup and Recycling Fund at this time.  For more information concerning the disbursement of and activities pursued under the Used Tire Cleanup and Recycling Fund, see our program description and link to our most recent annual report at Other questions can be directed to the Resource Management Program at 410-537-3314.

Contact:   Abigail W. Pascual
              (410) 537-3314; (800) 633-6101 x3314

Sewage Sludge Management

Provides funds to counties to conduct supplemental inspections and monitoring of sewage sludge utilization activities under the terms and conditions of a contract between the MDE and the requesting county.

Contact:  Thomas Yoo​ 
              (410) 537-3314; (800) 633-6101 x3314

Linked Deposit Program for USTs

This program, managed through the Water Quality Financing Administration, may provide owners of underground oil storage tanks (USTs) a way to remove or replace those tanks by providing a source of low-interest financing. Below market interest rates are passed onto borrowers by participating commercial lenders having investment agreements with MDE. Click here  for more information.

Contact:  Michael Roberts​
              (410) 925-4793​; (800) 633-6101 x3972

Residential Heating Oil Tank System Site Rehabilitation Reimbursement Program (Oil Contaminated Site Environmental Cleanup Fund)

Provides financial assistance to owners of residential heating oil aboveground or underground tanks by reimbursing them for certain costs incurred as a result of an oil-contaminated site environmental cleanup project.  Click here for more information.

Contact:  LMA Operational and Administrative Services Program
              (410) 537-3676; (800) 633-6101 x3676




319 Nonpoint Source Program

Provides financial assistance for the implementation of nonpoint source best management practices and program enhancements as a means of controlling the loads of pollutants entering the State's waterways.

Each year, a Request for Proposals is released in Spring that announces requirements along with a Summer submission deadline.  Click here for more information.  To have your contact information placed on MDE's notification list, please use the 319 Nonpoint Source Program contact listed here.

Contact:  Eric Ruby
              (410) 537-3685; (800) 633-6101 x3685

Bay Restoration Fund

Wastewater Treatment Plants Fund:

Provides up to 100 percent in grant funding to upgrade wastewater treatment plants with enhanced nutrient removal (ENR) technologies, that would allow sewage treatment plants to provide a highly advanced level of nutrient removal.  Click here for more information.

Contact:  Rajiv Chawla
              (410) 537-3770; (800) 633-6101 x3770

Onsite Disposal Systems (OSDS) Fund:

Provides up to 100 percent in grant funding for upgrades of existing systems to best available technology for nitrogen removal or for the marginal cost of using best available technology instead of conventional technology. Priority given to failing OSDS in Critical Areas. Click here for more information. 

Contact:  Jeffrey Fretwell
              (410) 537-3119; (800) 633-6101 x 3119

Biological Nutrient Removal Cost-Share Program

Provides grants to local municipalities and agencies for upgrading WWTPs with biological nitrification/denitrification facilities to achieve a goal of annual average effluent concentration of 8 mg/l total nitrogen.  Click here for more information.

Contact:  Elaine Dietz
              (410) 537-3908; (800) 633-6101

Linked Deposit Program

Provides a source of low-interest financing for certain water quality and drinking water capital projects.  Below market interest rates are passed on to borrowers by participating commercial lenders with investment agreements with MDE.  Click here for more information.

Contact:  Jeffrey Fretwell​
              (410) 537-3119; (800) 633-6101 x3119

Sewerage Facilities Supplemental Assistance Program

Provides financial assistance to local governmental entities in the form of grants, supplementing the Water Quality Loan funds, where affordability is a problem and to correct public health or water quality problems. The Program accepts applications annually from December 1st to January 31st.

Contact:  Elaine Dietz
              (410) 537-3908; (800) 633-6101 x 3908

State Revolving Loan Fund

Provides a source of low interest financing to encourage private landowners, and water system owners to implement capital improvements that will protect or improve the quality of Maryland's water resources and provide safe drinking water. The Program accepts applications annually from December 1st to January 31st. Click here for more information.

Contact:  Jeffrey Fretwell​
              (410) 537-3119; (800) 633-6101

Water Supply Program

Provides financial assistance to local governments or to water supply systems for wellhead protection projects and direct loans to local governments or to water supply systems for land acquisition for source water protection. The Program accepts applications annually from December 1st to January 31st. Click here for more information.

Contact:  Jeffrey Fretwell​
              (410) 537-3119; (800) 633-6101 x3119




Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know

Provides funding to Local Emergency Planning Committees charged with the administration of the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).  Click here  for more information.

Contact:  Patricia Williams
              (410) 537-3800; (800) 633-6101


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