Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities (CEJSC)

What is the CEJSC?​

The CEJSC is a twenty member body that is tasked with advising State government on environmental justice and analyzing the effectiveness of State and local government laws and policies to address issues of environmental justice and sustainable communities.

The CEJSC was previously established by Executive Order​ on January 1, 2001 and is now statutorily codified under § 1-701 of the Environment Article of the Md. Ann. Code.  The Commission is charged with:  

  • Advising the State government agencies on EJ.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of State and local government laws and policies to address issues of EJ and sustainable communities.
  • Coordinating with the Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council (CEHPAC)​ on the issues of EJ and sustainable communities.
  • Developing criteria to assess what communities in MD may be experiencing EJ issues. 
  • Recommending options for addressing EJ issues to the Governor and the General Assembly; including​ prioritized areas of the State that need immediate attention. 

When is the next CEJSC meeting?​

The next CEJSC meeting, open to the public, will be held virtually on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. You can access the meeting via this link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 515-518-4199‬ PIN: ‪629 270 597‬#​

If you are planning to attend, please email​.​​

Who are the members of the CEJSC?​

The CEJSC consists of representatives from multiple state agencies and local government. The Governor, the Senate President, and the Speaker of the House appoint representatives of communities concerned with EJ, the business communities, environmental organizations, health experts, and an academic institution with an EJ institute.​

The Commission consists of the following members:

One member of the Senate of Maryland, appointed by the President of the Senate;


One member of the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker of the House;

Delegate Regina Boyce

The Secretary of Environment, or the Secretary’s designee;

Serena McIlwain (Aneca Atkinson​, designee)

The Secretary of Health, or the Secretary’s designee;

Laura Herrera Scott (Subha Chandar, designee)

The Secretary of Planning, or the Secretary’s designee;

Rebecca Flora (Melanie Gross​, designee)

The Secretary of Commerce, or the Secretary’s designee;

Kevin Anderson (Melissa Brown, designee)

The Secretary of Housing and Community Development, or the Secretary’s designee;

Jacob Day (John Papagni, designee)

The Secretary of Transportation, or the Secretary’s designee;

Paul Wiedefeld (Jackie Wright, designee)​

The following members appointed by the Governor:

 At least one representative from a community disproportionately impacted by environmental and public health hazards;​

Crystal Faison, Lesliam Quiros-Alcala, Monica Brooks, Paulette Hammond

One representative of a business organization;

Voncia Molock

One representative of an environmental organization;

Barbara Paca

One representative who is a health expert on environmental justice issues; and

Camille Burke

One representative of an academic institution with an environmental justice institute or similar program;

Dr. Sacoby Wilson

The following members appointed jointly by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House:

At least three representatives from communities disproportionately impacted by environmental and public health hazards that represent the geographic diversity of the State;

Andrew Miller, Dennis DeShields, Dr. Tracy Garrett, Kellie Gaither

One representative of a business organization;

David Simon​

One representative of an environmental organization; and

Rebecca Rehr

One representative who is a health expert on environmental justice issues;

Dr. Renee Carr

Other statutorily-required appointments:

One representative of local government, designated by the Maryland Association of Counties;

Asha Smith

One representative of local government, designated by the Maryland Municipal League; and

Lori Cunningham

Two representatives of a labor union, designated by the Maryland State and D.C. AFL–CIO.

Donna Edwards, Gerald Jackson

Annual Reports and Archives​

Annual Reports​

CEJSC Meeting Archive​ ​

Contact Information

For further information please contact Noble Smith at (410) 537-3041​ or​