
Maryland Department of the Environment logo 

Public Notices


   Notice of Application for State Wetland Licenses, Private Wetland Permits, Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Permits, Dam Safety Permits,​ Water Quality Certification, and/or Federal Consistency Concurrence and the Opportunity to Provide Written Comment or Request an Informational Hearing​​


December 15, 2024

The Water and Science Administration has received the applications listed below. A preliminary review has indicated that the listed projects may be subject to the opportunity for a public hearing once the application is substantially complete. Projects may be significantly altered during the review process. The applications and related information are available for inspection and copying. You may also request written notice of any hearing opportunity by having your name placed on the interested persons list for each project in which you are interested. To inspect the file or to have your name placed on the interested persons list, contact the assigned division at the telephone number indicated below or send an email to the assigned reviewer no later than ​January 15, 2025, unless otherwise noted in the Public Notice. 

Wetlands and Waterways Protection Program​ - (410) 537-3837

​Nontidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3456​

Garrett County
23-NT-3205/202361316/24-WQC-0046 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (MDOT SHA), 707 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202, has applied to replace Bridge No. 1102400 on US 219 over the Youghiogheny River in Garrett County, Maryland. The project will include replacing the existing bridge and realigning the existing roadway, relocating the Youghiogheny River, realigning and restoring a tributary to the Youghiogheny River, constructing wetlands on-site, relocating existing utilities, installing stormwater management facilities, and using temporary erosion and sediment controls. The project will permanently impact 4,205 square feet of nontidal scrub shrub wetland, 28,915 square feet of nontidal emergent wetland, 27,841 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 1,526 linear feet (19,668 square feet) of the Youghiogheny River and its tributaries, and 256,926 square feet of the 100-year floodplain. The project will also temporarily impact 431 square feet of nontidal scrub shrub wetland, 28,489 square feet of nontidal emergent wetland, 36,071 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, and 251 linear feet (3,714 square feet) of the Youghiogheny River and its tributaries. The project is proposed within the watershed of Youghiogheny River, a Use III-P waterway.  The project is located along US 219, between Cash Valley Road and approximately 650 northeast of Mt Pleasant Lane, in Garrett County. Mitigation will be provided for all permanent impacts to wetlands and waterways via permittee-responsible mitigation. Written comments, request for a public informational hearing and requests to be included on the interested persons list may be sent by January 15, 2025, to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Emily Dolbin, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230, or at emily.dolbin@maryland.gov or (410) 537-3745. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process.
Prince George's County
24-NT-0193/202461296/Previously Authorized: 21-WQC-0328 WBLH, LLC (Locust Hill Subdivision), 7164 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 230, Columbia, Maryland 21046, has applied to construct a subdivision and improve Leeland Road to Prince George's County standards.  The project will permanently impact 3,565 square feet of emergent nontidal wetlands, 3,700 square feet of forested nontidal wetlands, 30,827 square feet of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 2,086 linear feet (14,023 square feet) of intermittent streams, and 117,391 square feet of the 100-year nontidal floodplain.   The project will temporarily impact 17,814 square feet of emergent nontidal wetlands, 2,974 square feet of forested nontidal wetlands, 21,884 square feet of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 663 linear feet (6,087 square feet) of intermittent streams, 32 linear feet (981 square feet) of perennial streams, and 154,235 square feet of the 100-year nontidal floodplain.  This project was previously authorized under 18-NT-0129.  The project is proposed on Collington Branch (Use I).  The site is located on both sides of Leeland Road and Oak Grove Road, adjacent to Collington Branch of the Patuxent River, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774.  The proposed project would cumulatively require 7,400 square feet of forested nontidal wetland mitigation and 3,565 square feet of emergent nontidal wetland mitigation (10,965 square feet total).  The applicant proposes to purchase credits from the Patuxent Mitigation Bank to fulfill the mitigation requirement. Written comments and requests to be included on the interested persons list may be sent by January 15, 2025 to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Gailynn Milligan, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD  21230 or at Gailynn.milligan@maryland.gov or 410-537-4178. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process.

Somerset County

24-NT-2033/202460903 CRISFIELD SOLAR INITIATIVE, LLC, 203 Crescent Street, Suite 106, Waltham, Massachusetts 02453 has applied construct a community solar generation facility.  Lot fill and grading for the installation of the solar array will result in permanent impacts to 106,594 square feet (2.45 acres) of emergent nontidal wetland and 63,122 square feet (1.45 acres) of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer as well as temporary impacts to 6,882 square feet (0.16 acre) of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer.  The project is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Woodson School Road and Calvary Road near Crisfield, Maryland.  The proposed project would require 106,594 square feet (2.45 acres) of emergent nontidal wetland mitigation.  The applicant proposes to pay into the MDE Nontidal Wetland Compensation Fund at the proposed 2024 rates to fulfill the mitigation requirement.  Written comments and requests to be included on the interested persons list may be sent by January 15, 2025 to Mieko Camp at mieko.camp@maryland.gov or 443-717-0951. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process. 

Tidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3571

Anne Arundel County

22-WL-0802 / 202261272 BRYAN JENKINS 1642 Cornfield Rd, Pasadena, Anne Arundel County, MD 21122, has applied to 1) Construct a 100-foot long by 6-foot wide timber pier with two mooring piles and a boat lift with associated piles all within a maximum of 100 feet channelward of the mean high water line; and 2) Construct and backfill 40 linear feet of replacement bulkhead within a maximum of 18 inches channelward of a deteriorated bulkhead; and 3) To replenish 494 square feet of historical beach area with 35 cubic yards of clean sand fill; and 4) Construct a 8-foot wide by 20-foot long stone groin extending a maximum of 14 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to provide nourishment to the historical beach area, control shoreline and sediment erosion, and to improve navigable access. The proposed project is within the tidal waters of Cornfield Creek. For more information, please contact Kathryn Burcham at kathryn.burcham@maryland.gov or at (410) 707-5254.

24-WL-0784/202461143/MICHAEL DECKER, 2200 Berlin St., Baltimore, MD 21230 proposes the following: 1) To remove an unauthorized platform that will restore a 10-foot long by 20-foot wide platform, construct a 15-foot long by 3-foot wide finger pier, and to authorize, after-the-fact, two boat lifts with associated piles, one personal watercraft lift, and one mooring pile, all within a maximum of 126 feet channelward of the mean high water line. 2) Replace in-kind one 11-foot wide by 68-foot long stone groin extending a maximum of 68 feet channelward of the mean high water line, and replace in-kind one 11-foot wide by 60-foot long stone groin extending a maximum of 60 feet channelward of the mean high water line at an existing bulkhead. 3) Construct an 11-foot wide by 68-foot long stone groin extending a maximum of 68 feet channelward of the mean high water line. 4) Nourish an existing beach with 325 cubic yards of sand along 270 feet of eroding shoreline; and 5) Construct 152 feet of stone revetment within a maximum of 2 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to prevent shoreline erosion and to provide beach nourishment.  The proposed project is located within the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay at 2088 Kurtz Avenue, Pasadena, MD 21122 in Anne Arundel County.  For more information, please contact Melissa McCanna at Melissa.mccanna@maryland.gov or at 410-537-4053.

Baltimore County

24-WL-0835 / 202461234 THE MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, at 580 Taylor Ave. D-3, Annapolis has applied to reconfigure and expand an existing marina by removing 3,782 square feet of fixed piers and adding 7,687 square feet of floating piers that include one 8-foot wide loading pier and two 5-foot wide main piers with twenty-eight 3-foot wide finger piers and associated mooring piles extending a maximum of 200 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of this project is to expand an existing marina. The proposed project is located within the tidal waters of Dundee Creek at 7400 Graces Quarters Rd, Baltimore, Maryland. For more information, please contact Willem Brown at Willem.Brown@Maryland.gov or at 410-537-3622.

23-WL-1111/202361732 STANSBURY MANOR APARTMENTS & STANSBURY ASSOCIATES, 2612 Cabover Dr. Hanover MD 21076, has applied to construct the following: 1) A living shoreline across 1,566 linear feet of shoreline at the Stansbury Manor Apartments, 8 Alder Dr., Baltimore, MD 21220. The work will consist of removing an existing revetment and emplacing a series of headland structures and 781 cubic yards of sand/cobble fill and planting with 6,371 square feet of low marsh and 6,781 square feet of high marsh including various habitat features such as woody debris and boulders placed along the shoreline, all extending a maximum of 50 feet channelward of the mean high water line. 2) An 80-foot long by 6-foot wide fixed pier with a 400-square foot platform, all extending a maximum of 92-feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to protect the shoreline from erosion, improve habitat and provide access to the water. For more information contact Matt Wallach at matthew.wallach@maryland.gov or at 410-207-0893

Kent County

24-WL-0515 (R1)/202460731 CHESTER RIVER YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB 7738 Quacker Neck Road, Chestertown, Md 21620 has applied to reconfigure an existing marina by removing two fixed piers and constructing the following: Pier A - a 299-foot long by 8-foot wide floating timber pier including a 25-foot long by 8-foot wide metal gangway, a 90-foot long by 8-foot wide floating “T" head platform, two 20-foot long by 4-foot wide floating finger piers, twelve 30-foot long by 4-foot wide floating finger piers, and twenty-two mooring piles. Pier B - a 301-foot long by 8-foot wide floating timber pier including a 25-foot long by 4-foot wide metal gangway, a 90-foot long by 8-foot wide “T" head platform, one 20-foot long by 4-foot wide floating finger pier, twelve 30-foot long by 4-foot wide floating finger piers, twenty mooring piles, and a 10-foot long by 28-foot wide floating platform; all extending a maximum of 316 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of this project is to expand the marina and maintain access to the waters of the Chester River. For more information, please contact Matt Godbey at matt.godbey@maryland.gov or 410-401-4033.

St. Mary's County

202460406 / 24-WL-0287 ST. MARYS RECREATION AND PARKS, 44883 St. Andrews Church Rd, California, MD, 20674, have applied for the following activities: 1) To mechanically maintenance dredge an approximate 75-foot long by 50-foot wide (2,204 square feet) boat ramp entrance to the maximum depth of -5.0 feet at mean low water resulting in approximately 94 cubic yards of material to be deposited for beneficial reuse in the living shoreline; 2) To fill, grade, and plant marsh vegetation by emplacing 352 cubic yards of sand, with a 65-foot long by 18-foot wide stone breakwater and a 70-foot long by 18.5-foot wide stone breakwater, all extending a maximum of 36 feet channelward of the mean high water line; 3) Replace in-kind a 70-foot long by 5-foot wide timber pier with a 70-foot long by 3-inch wide timber wing wall; 4) Replace in-kind a 78-foot long by 5-foot wide timber pier with a 78-foot long by 3-inch wide timber wing wall; 5) Construct a 10-foot long by 5-foot wide timber pier extension, all within a maximum of 78 feet channelward of the high waterline; 7) Install a 60-foot long by 6.5-wide mobi mat extending a maximum of 60 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The project is located on Smith Creek at 46621 Beachville Rd, St. Inigoes, MD 20684, St. Mary's County. The purpose of the project is to control shore erosion and improve navigable access. For more information, please contact Justin Bereznak at Justin.Bereznak@maryland.gov or 410-537-3782.

Queen Anne's County

24-WL-0747/ 202461097 NARROWS REAL ESTATES, LLC, at 334 Greenwood Hall Farm Lane, Grasonville, (Queen Anne's), MD 21638 has applied to construct a 192-foot long by 8-foot wide timber pier with a 8-foot long by 120-foot wide “T" shaped platform, six 4-foot long by 24-foot wide finger piers, and twenty two mooring piles, all within a maximum of 200 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of this project is to maintain navigable access of the marina. The project is located within the tidal waters of Kent Island Narrows at 3023 Kent Narrows Way, South, Grasonville, MD 21638. For more information, please contact Matt Godbey at matt.godbey@maryland.gov or 410-901-4033.

Water Quality Certifications – (410) 537-3837​

​Waterway Construction – (410) 537-3821

Allegany County

24-NT-3255/ 202461690 FirstEnergy Corporation, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue West, Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 has applied for a permit from Maryland Department of the Environment, Wetlands and Waterways Protection Program to install fiber cable aerially across the North Branch of the Potomac River.  The project  impacts 0 linear feet (0 square feet) of stream and 0 square feet of the 100-year floodplain. The project is located at Kelly Road, at the intersection of Kelly Road and Springfield Boulevard in Allegany County. For more information, please contact Wuhib Bayou at wuhib.bayou@maryland.gov  or 410- 537- 3605.​

Stormwater, Dam Safety, and Flood Management Program - (410) 537-35​​52

Dam Safety Division – (410) 537-3552​

Cecil County​

25-OB-0017/202461564/CHESAPEAKE CLUB DEVELOPERS, LLC, 6800 Deerpath Road Elkridge, MD  21075 has submitted an application for a Permit to remove the unsafe Chesapeake Bay Golf Club North East Dam (MD Dam No. 461). The dam is located at 1500 Chesapeake Club Drive, North East Maryland. Plans for the proposed project have been submitted to the Dam Safety Permits Division for evaluation. A public informational hearing will be held on the Google Meet platform on Monday January 13, 2025 at 6pm. Interested persons may log in at the video call link: https://meet.google.com/gcw-ijbi-pof or dial: ‪(US) +1 424-570-3698 PIN: ‪250 333 061#‬‬
 Written comments, or requests to be placed on the interested persons list must be received on or before January 13, 2025. Further notices about action on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on a mailing list of interested persons. On all correspondence, please provide your name, address and telephone number and refer to Dam Safety file number. For more information regarding the Dam Safety Permit please contact John Roche, P.E., Dam Safety Permits Division, Water and Science Administration, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore Maryland 21230, telephone (410) 537-3552 or by email at John.Roche@maryland.gov.
