Water for Maryland's Future: What We Must Do Today

Final Report of the Advisory Committee on the Management and Protection of the State's Water Resources

Wolman Report CoverVolume 1:  Final Report (PDF) 

Title Page
Committee Membership & Contributors 
Table of Contents



  1. Maryland must develop a more robust water resources program based on sound, comprehensive data.
    1. Maryland faces new challenges in attempting to manage water sustainably.
    2. Critical basic data must be obtained.
    3. A Statewide water supply plan should be developed.
    4. State and local governments should coordinate and plan regionally.
  2. The staffing, programmatic and information needs of the water supply management program must be adequately and reliably funded.
    1. Establish a permit fee to fund the cost of administering the permitting system.
    2. Fund the hydrologic studies with a separate appropriation.
    3. Fund an expanded monitoring network.
    4. Provide funding for local governments.
    5. Improve the recruitment and retention of personnel.
  3. Specific legislative, regulatory and programmatic changes should be implemented.
    1. The State should take specific steps to promote collaborative local planning and to facilitate regional planning.
    2. MDE should codify its water allocation policies.
    3. The State should require local jurisdictions to protect source waters.
    4. State and local governments should strengthen their programs for water conservation, water reuse, and demand management.
    5. Maryland should strengthen the regulation of individual wells to better protect public health.
    6. State and local governments should discourage the use of individual wells in areas at high risk for well contamination.
    7. MDE should make greater use of Water Management Strategy Areas.
    8. The General Assembly should authorize administrative penalties for violations of water appropriation permits.
    9. Maryland should develop an effective water supply outreach program.


Volume 2: Appendices (PDF)

  1. Executive Order 01.01.2005.25 (2005)
  2. Advisory Committee Position on the Use of Water from State Lands
  3. Water Quality Report of the Advisory Committee
  4. The Status of Streamflow and Ground-Water-Level Monitoring Networks in Maryland, 2005
  5. Description of the Coastal Plain Aquifer Study: Sustainability of the Ground-Water Resources in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Maryland
  6. Description of the Fractured Rock Water Supply Study
  7. Proposed Budget
  8. Status of Recommendations from Previous Advisory Committee Reports 

For More Information
For more information, contact the Water Supply Program at 410-537-3702 or water.supply@maryland.gov