Testing for Lead in Drinking Water - Public and Nonpublic Schools


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IMPORTANT REMINDER: Reducing the Risk of Drinking Water Quality Problems at Schools to Protect Your Students and Staff​
Date: August 7, 2024

​Dear School Representative:

Every year the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) sends a reminder to public and nonpublic schools regarding how to avoid potential water quality problems during the opening week of the new school year.  The intent of the reminder is to provide simple guidance (see attached "School Building Flushing - Links to Guidance") to help you avoid potential water quality problems that could arise if water in a plumbing system becomes stagnant from low or no use.  In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's school flushing instructions can be found under ‘Exhibit 1: 3Ts Flushing Instructions’ on page 3 of ‘3Ts Flushing Best Practices.’  The recommendations listed in the attached memo apply to all schools, regardless of their water source (e.g. public water, private well, etc.).  We are sending the memo electronically in an effort to reach as many schools as possible in a timely manner.  Please share the attached memo and guidance with all appropriate persons.

Thank you for your efforts to provide the highest quality of water to your students and staff.  Please contact the Water Supply Program at (410) 537-3729 or water.supply@maryland.gov if you have any questions.


Gregory C. Busch, P.E.

Program Manager, Water Supply

Maryland Department of the Environment

cc:  County Environmental Health Director


School Flushing Reminder Memo 2024

School Building Flushing - Links to Guidance MDE (Rev​2024-08-05)