Bay Restoration Fund Enhanced Nutrient Removal
Program Purpose
To meet the new commitments under the 2000 Chesapeake Bay Agreement, additional reductions of nutrient pollutants from all sources including sewage treatment plants are necessary.
Upgrading sewage treatment plants for nutrient removal is one of the top environmental priorities.
The ENR strategy builds on the success of the biological nutrient removal (BNR) program already in place.
Eligibility and Selection
The 67 publicly owned wastewater treatment plants with design flow of 500,000 gallons per day or greater and discharge to the Chesapeake Bay have the priority for funding.
Projects should be consistent with Executive Order 01.01.2003.33 – Maryland’s Priority Places Strategy.
Projects must be consistent with the county water and sewer plans.
Up to 100 percent state grant funds for eligible project costs.
Eligible costs may include planning, design, and construction costs.
Funds are provided on a reimbursable basis after a payment request is made by the grantee.
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