
Maryland Department of the Environment logo 

Public Notices


   Notice of Application for State Wetland Licenses, Private Wetland Permits, Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Permits, Dam Safety Permits,​ Water Quality Certification, and/or Federal Consistency Concurrence and the Opportunity to Provide Written Comment or Request an Informational Hearing​​


February 15, 2025

The Water and Science Administration has received the applications listed below. A preliminary review has indicated that the listed projects may be subject to the opportunity for a public hearing once the application is substantially complete. Projects may be significantly altered during the review process. The applications and related information are available for inspection and copying. You may also request written notice of any hearing opportunity by having your name placed on the interested persons list for each project in which you are interested. To inspect the file or to have your name placed on the interested persons list, contact the assigned division at the telephone number indicated below or send an email to the assigned reviewer no later than ​March 15, 2025, unless otherwise noted in the Public Notice. 


Wetlands and Waterways Protection Program​ - (410) 537-3837

Nontidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3456​​

Cecil County

24-NT-0226/202461483, MRP INDUSTRIAL, C/O Kate Bryden at 509 South Exeter Street, Suite 216, Baltimore, MD 21202, The project is for conversion of an abandoned former federal naval property into an industrial logistics center park. The work will include local road improvements and replacement/upgrade of an existing nontidal stream crossing at Mill Creek, which are for Phase 1A redevelopment of this site. The project is located at: Craigtown Road, Diamond Jim Road, MD Route 275 (Perrylawn Drive), Powers Road, MD Route 222 (Bainbridge Road/Main Street), MD Route 276 (Jacob Tome Memorial Highway), and Barton Road north of Funk Road, Port Deposit, MD 21904. The project will permanently impact 3,300 square feet of forested nontidal wetland, 1,164 square feet of scrub-shrub nontidal wetland, 25,806 square feet of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 1,493 square feet of a perennial Use III nontidal stream (Mill Creek), and 26,349 square feet of a 100-year nontidal floodplain. The project will temporarily impact 962 square feet of forested nontidal wetland, 15,681 square feet of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, and 4,411 square feet of a perennial Use III nontidal stream (Mill Creek). Mitigation will be required at 2:1 totaling 6,600 square feet of forested nontidal wetland and 2,328 square feet of scrub-shrub nontidal wetland, which has a grand total of 8,928 square feet. The Applicant proposed to satisfy the mitigation requirement through the purchase of 8,928 square feet of nontidal wetland credits from the Pheasant Run Mitigation Bank in Maryland. Public comments should be received no later than March 17, 2025. For more information, please contact Louis Parnes at louis.parnes@maryland.gov or at 410-537-3786. Any further notice concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those people on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process.

Charles County

22-NT-0001/202261353 JOHNSON, MIRMIRAN, & THOMPSON, INC/MILL SWAMP MITIGATION BANK, 40 Wight Avenue, Hunt Valley, Maryland 21030 has applied to establish an approximately 30.55-acre multi-user stream and nontidal wetland mitigation bank that would include restoration, enhancement, and preservation of aquatic resources. This project was previously placed on Public Notice March 1, 2023 through April 1, 2023 with a Public Informational Hearing held April 6, 2023. The project is being placed back on Public Notice due to a change in the scope of the project. Specifically, the Baker Parcel (Tax ID 07-039727) has been removed from the project and the Witter Parcel (Tax ID 07-025912) has been added resulting in an overall net reduction in the proposed impacts. This mitigation bank would provide compensatory mitigation for future stream and nontidal wetland impacts authorized by the Maryland Department of the Environment in the USGS 8-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) of Middle Potomac-Anacostia-Occoquan (HUC 02070010) and Lower Potomac (HUC 02070011). This proposed project includes grading and planting that would result in approximately 4.66 acres of wetland restoration, 13.05 acres of wetland enhancement, 3,057 linear feet of stream restoration, and additional riparian buffer preservation/enhancement. The project will temporarily impact approximately 91,874 square feet emergent nontidal wetland, 55,266 square feet scrub-shrub nontidal wetland, 152,586 square feet forested nontidal wetland, 191,139 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 28 linear feet of intermittent stream, 4,176 linear feet of perennial stream and 510,696 square feet of 100-year nontidal floodplain. The project is proposed along Mill Swamp mainstem and an unnamed tributary within the Middle Tidal Potomac River watershed (Use I). The project is located on multiple parcels off Marshall Hall Road and Fenwick Road in Bryans Road, Charles County, Maryland 20616 between Fenwick Road to the north and Ward Place to the south. Written comments and requests for a public informational hearing must be sent by March 15, 2025 to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Josh Tiralla, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230 or joshua.tiralla@maryland.gov or 410-537-3558. Additional information as well as any further notices concerning actions or updates on the application will be placed on MDE’s website at https://mde.maryland.gov/programs/water/WetlandsandWaterways/pages/mill-swamp-mitigation-bank.aspx. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process.​

Tidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3571

Anne Arundel County​

24-WL-1046/202461608 PATRICIA WELESKO-ELBERTI, at 1509 Londontown Ct, Edgewater, MD 21037,  has applied to: 1) Construct two stone, sand containment groins measuring 56-feet long by 12-feet wide; 2) Replenish 3,175 square feet of historic beach with 85 cubic yards of clean sand fill all within a maximum of 50 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is beach nourishment. The project is located at 1509 Londontown Ct, Edgewater, MD 21037, on the South River. For more information, please contact Mel Throckmorton at mel.throckmorton@maryland.gov or at 410-375-2803

24-WL-1055/202461608 PAUL SEEN, at 1513 Londontown Ct, Edgewater, MD 21037, has applied to: 1) Construct two stone, sand containment groins measuring 56-feet long by 12-feet wide and 50-long and 12-feet wide; 2) Nourish 4,550 square feet of an historic beach with 155 cubic yards of clean sand fill; and, 3) Fill and grade 50 cubic yards of sand along 65 feet of eroding shoreline and plant with 1,260 square feet of high marsh and 600 square feet of low marsh vegetation, all within a maximum of 50 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to provide shoreline erosion control. The project is located at 1513 Londontown Ct, Edgewater, MD 21037, on the South River. For more information, please contact Mel Throckmorton at mel.throckmorton@maryland.gov or at 410-375-2803.​​

Prince George's County

24-WL-1028/25-WQC-0003/202461569 MARYLAND NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK & PLANNING COMMISSION, c/o  Michael G. Terry, 6600 Kenilworth Ave., Riverdale, MD 20737 has applied to hydraulically maintenance dredge a 950-foot long by 250-foot wide area to a depth of -6.0 feet at mean low water; and to deposit approximately 10,000 cubic yards of dredged material on an approved upland disposal site located at the Colmar Manor Dredge Material Placement (DMP) site at Colmar Manor Community Park, 3701 Lawrence Street, Brentwood, Maryland 20722; and to provide for periodic maintenance dredging for six years. The purpose of this project is to improve navigable access. The proposed project is located within the tidal waters of the Anacostia River. For more information, please contact Kathryn Burcham at kathryn.burcham@maryland.gov or at (410) 707-5254.​

Worcester County
23-WL-1069/24-WQC-0049/202361655 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, c/o Dave Brinker, 580 Taylor Ave, D-3 Tawes State Office Building, Annapolis, MD  21401 has applied to construct six headland breakwaters totaling 1,177 linear feet with an average width of 50 feet using 6,957 cubic yards of mixed size rock/sand fill material with a boulder toe, extending a maximum of 209 feet channelward from the mean high water line; construct a living shoreline 1,222 feet long by an average width of 87 feet using 14,172 cubic yards of sand fill material, extending a maximum of 138 feet channelward of the mean high water line; mechanically or hydraulically dredge a 250 foot long by 40 foot wide by 3 foot deep access channel and place 400 cubic yards of dredged material to fill existing interior ponds.  The purpose of the project is to restore Reedy Island to its 1962 foot print and to restore nesting habitat for colonial waterbirds.  101,531 square feet of nesting habitat is proposed above the limits of tidal wetlands.  Areas created above the limit of tidal wetlands may require compensatory mitigation. The project is located in Isle of Wight Bay (Latitude: 38.38000° N; Longitude: -075.07389°W) near 54th Street, Ocean City, Maryland 21842. For more information, please contact R. Miles Simmons at robertm.simmons@maryland.gov or at 410-901-4044.

Water Quality Certifications – (410) 537-3837​

​Waterway Construction – (410) 537-3821​

​Frederick County
24-NT-3227/ 202461510 CHRIST’S COMMUNITY CHURCH, 380 Wenschhof Rd, Fairfield, Pennsylvania 17320, has applied to construct a church, associated parking lot, stormwater management facilities, and associated utilities. The project will temporarily impact 6,727 square feet and permanently impact 36,305 square feet of the 100-year nontidal floodplain. The project is located at 17550 Creamery Road in Emmitsburg, Frederick County.  Written comments, requests for a public informational hearing and requests to be included on the interested persons list may be sent by March 15, 2025, to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Kevin Sze, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD  21230 or at Kevin.Sze@maryland.gov or 410-537-3797. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.17.04 for information regarding the application process.​​

Stormwater, Dam Safety, and Flood Management Program - (410) 537-35​​52

Dam Safety Division – (410) 537-3552​