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Public Notices



Notice of Application for State Wetland Licenses, Private Wetland Permits, Nontidal​ Wetlands and Waterways Permits, Water Quality Certification, and/or Federal Consistency Concurrence​ and the Opportunity to Provide Written Comment or Request an Informational Hearing


December 1st, 2024

The Water and Science Administration has received the applications listed below. ​
A prel​iminary review has indicated that the listed projects may be subject to the opportunity for a public hearing once the application is substantially complete.  Projects may be significantly altered during the review process.  The applications and related information are available for inspection and copying.  You may also request written notice of any hearing opportunity by having your name placed on the interested persons list for each project in which you are interested.  To inspect the file or to have your name placed on the interested persons list, contact​​ the assigned division at the telephone number indicated below no later than January 1st​, 2025 unless otherwise noted in the Public Notice.

Wetlands and Water​​ways Protection Program - (410) 537-3837

Nontidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3456

Frederick County

24-NT-3061/202460643 Oakdale Investments, LLC, 1355 Beverly Road, Suite 240, McLean, Virginia 22101, has applied to construct a residential subdivision with associated infrastructure including, roads, utilities, and amenities. The project will result in permanent impacts to 689 square feet of emergent nontidal wetland, 517 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 241 linear feet (2,090 square feet) of stream, and 4,390 square feet of 100-year nontidal floodplain. The project will result in temporary impacts to 1,518 square feet of emergent nontidal wetland, 4,608 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 299 linear feet (1,998 square feet) of stream, and 3,440 square feet of 100-year nontidal floodplain.  The project is proposed adjacent to Unnamed Tributaries to Linganore Creek (USE IV-P). Mitigation will be required for all permanent wetland and waterway impacts. The proposed mitigation is to purchase credits from an approved Mitigation Bank. The project is located north of Gas House Pike, west of Central Church Road, New Market, Maryland. Written comments, requests for a public informational hearing and requests to be included on the interested persons list must be sent by January 1, 2025, to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Pavla Dilnesahu, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD  21230 or at or 410-537-3806. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process.

Tidal Wetlands Division (410) 537-3571

Anne Arundel County
24-WL-0214/202460289 DOUGLAS FRITZ 1291 Magothy Road, Pasadena, 21122, Anne Arundel County, Maryland has applied to construct one 35-foot long by 12-foot wide and one 30-foot long by 12-foot wide low profile stone, sand containment groins extending a maximum of 35 feet channelward of the mean high water line; and fill and grade with 75 cubic yards of sand along 115 feet of eroding shoreline and plant with 1,297 square feet of high marsh vegetation and 1,074 square feet of low marsh vegetation. Construct 207 feet of stone revetment within a maximum of 10 feet channelward of the mean high water line. Reconstruct a 312-linear foot by 12-foot wide low profile stone, sand containment sill a maximum of 1.5 foot above mean high water with two 10-foot wide armored vents; and fill and grade with 95 cubic yards of sand along 290 feet of eroding shoreline, and plant with 1,830 square feet of high marsh vegetation and 2,350 square feet of low marsh vegetation, extending a maximum of 31 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is for shoreline erosion control. The proposed project is located within the tidal waters of Magothy River in Anne Arundel County. For more information, please contact Melissa McCanna at or 410-537-4053.​

Queen Anne's County
24-WL-0025 (R1) /202460034 TALISMAN PLANATION, LLC, 300 Talisman Circle Rd Grasonville, MD 21638 has applied to modify currently approved breakwaters for a living shoreline. The modification proposes two 70-foot long by 13-foot wide breakwaters and four 55-foot long by 13-foot wide breakwaters; all within a maximum of 46 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to stabilize an eroding shoreline and improve the water quality of Prospect Bay. For more information, contact Matt Godbey at or (410) 901-4033.

Water Quality Certifications – (410) 537-3837​​

Waterway Construction Division – (410) 537-3821

Frederick County

24-NT-3056/202460560 750 Carroll LLC, 15639 72nd Drive N, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418, has applied to construct single family homes with associated roadway resurfacing and utility connection under Carroll Parkway. The project will permanently impact 20,690 square feet and temporarily impact 22,925 square feet of the 100-year nontidal floodplain.  The project is located at 750 Carroll Parkway in Frederick City, Frederick County.  Written comments, requests for a public informational hearing and requests to be included on the interested persons list may be sent by January 1, 2024, to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Kevin Sze, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD  21230 or at or 410-537-3797. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.17.04 for information regarding the application process.

Dam Safety Permits Division – (410) 537-3552​