8. Little Patuxent Ridge


The Little Patuxent Ridge site is a 2.75 acre wetland creation (0.25 acres forested and 2.5 acres emergent) located in the Patuxent River Area - Little Patuxent River (02-13-11-05) watershed of Howard County. 


In fall 1993/spring 1994, the Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Division and Environmental Systems Analysis, Inc. converted this previously grassed floodplain into wetland.                 

Pre-construction conditions

During construction


While thick cattail and spots of the invasive species Phragmites have developed in this site, overall it has established into a successfully-functioning wetland.  Using the newly developed Mitigation Site Scoring Method, MDE gave this site the relatively high score of 89/100.    

Cattail dominate in some areas

Wetland mitigation in Winter 2008

Canada goose at mitigation site

This site is on Howard County property, but access may be limited.  Click this link to see an aerial photo and location information.

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