Instructions for Preparation of the Map Accompanying the Non Coal Mining & Reclamation Plan (Over Five Acres)

Accompanying the short form application shall be a topographic map, in duplicate, on a scale no smaller than 1"= 200' with a contour interval appropriate for the area and at least 2 re​presentative cross-sections. 

A. The map shall show the following:

  1. Vicinity Map of the tract of land to be affected 
  2. Property Lines 
  3. Drainage area of flowing streams above and below the affected areas. (Can be in statement form) 
  4. Delineate Tidal and Non-Tidal wetlands, Critical Areas, and the One Hundred Year Floodplain of Non-Tidal Streams on-site and within 200 feet of the affected area 
  5. Location and names of
    1. streams
    2. roads
    3. railroads 
    4. utility lines that are on or immediately adjacent (within 200 feet) to the affected areas 
  6. Outcrop area of any mineral deposit to be mined, (i.e. show the crop line or base of deposit on contour map.) 
  7. Location of all buildings within 200 feet of the outer perimeter of the affected areas 
  8. Name of landowner of affected area 
  9. Composite map at a scale no less than 1"=400', showing the proposed permit area, all property owned by the applicant, and all future reserves
  10. Signed Owner/Operator certification  
  11. Names and addresses of adjoining landowners 
  12. Municipality or district and county 
  13. Location of test borings or test pits, outcrop line (s) for each geological formation 
  14. Outline and designation of: a) affected area  b) topsoil, subsoil and overburden stockpiles,  c) Equipment and product storage areas,  d) Processing plants,  e) Tailings, wash water make up and settling ponds, f) Proposed permanent impoundment  g) Disposal areas        h)Reclaimed areas i) Areas to be mined at a future date  j) Haul roads, and k) Existing disturbance on-site l) Outcrop line of mineral 
  15. North Arrow 
  16. Sediment Control Devices 
  17. Sediment Control Details (standard drawing) 
  18. Mining Direction Arrow 
  19. Soil Conservation District approval. (Not necessary for initial review.  Must be on final plans submitted for approval).

The cross-sections shall show the following:

  1. Location of test borings and sites of test samples 
  2. Nature and depth of various strata 
  3. Thickness of mineral seam 
  4. Analysis of mineral deposit or ore 
  5. Thickness of topsoil and overburden, and any analysis of material 
  6. Existing grades, proposed mining grade, and proposed final grades and slopes with ratio indicated 
  7. Ground water depth

All maps submitted shall utilize color code and map symbols:

  1. The perimeter of the proposed permit area shall be designated by a solid black/dark line 
  2. The area proposed in a permit modification shall have its perimeter designated by a solid black line.  The perimeter of the original permit area shall be designated by a broken black line or other distinguishing line. 
  3. Arrows shall be used to show the beginning point, direction, and end point of the mining operation. 
  4. Use the standard symbols and standard drawings for sediment control devices as shown in the "Maryland Standards and Specification for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control" manual.  

Contact Information

For more information contact: Molly Michaelson, , MDE Mining Program, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230, 410-537-3568.