Consumer Confidence Reports
What is a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)?
All community water systems are required to prepare an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) regarding the quality of their drinking water and any risks associated with contaminants detected in the water. The CCR (also referred to as an "annual water quality report") must be distributed to consumers by July 1 of each year, and will summarize information from the previous calendar year.
What Information Does a CCR Contain?
Water systems may include any appropriate information to enhance their CCR. However, the reports must contain the following information:
- Water System Information: Name and phone number of a contact person for the water system; information regarding opportunities for public participation in decisions that may affect the quality of the water.
Source(s) of Water: Type of water (surface water, groundwater, or purchased water) and name of water source. A brief summary of the system's potential contaminants, and information on how to obtain the source water assessment report.
Definitions for the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA’s) health-based standards (for example, Maximum Contaminant Level, Maximum Contaminant Level Goal, Treatment Technique, Action Level, etc.).
Detected Contaminants: A table summarizing concentrations of detected contaminants, known sources of detected contaminants, and information regarding the potential adverse health effects of detected contaminants.
Violations: Explanation of any violations received during the year, status of corrective actions, and compliance with other drinking water regulations.
Required Educational Information: Explanation of contaminants that may be found in drinking water; information about Cryptosporidium, Radon, and other contaminants (if detected); statements on nitrate and arsenic (if detected above 50% of the EPA’s Maximum Contaminant Level); and a statement about lead in drinking water.
Variances and Exemptions to State and federal regulations (if applicable).
In addition, some water systems may include public notifications for monitoring violations or other required special notices.
How Do I Obtain a Copy of My Water System's CCR
Based on the number of persons served, your water system is required to deliver a CCR to each customer, publish the CCR in a local newspaper, or provide a notice stating CCRs are available upon request. In addition, many systems post their CCRs online.
You may also view your CCR by selecting one of the county links below. You will be directed to a list of CCRs for community water systems in each county. If your system is not listed on one of the county pages, please contact your water supplier for the CCR.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Water Supply Program at or 410-537-3729, or call EPA's Safe Drinking Water Act Hotline at 1(800)426-4791.
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