Information About Sea Level Rise in Maryland
Coastal Residents information source by the EPA |
Articles by James G. Titus Environmental Protection Agency (text or PDF formats) |
Other articles about Sea Level Rise in Maryland |
The Chesapeake Bay: Geologic Product of Rising Sea Level
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland, USA Sea Level Rise, Marsh Inundation, and Wildlife Habitat Implications
Additional EPA Sea Level Rise Reports
Land Vulnerable to Sea Level Rise
Other Sources of Information |
Coastal Marshes; Ecology and Wildlife Management by Chabreck, R.A., 1988, Minneapolis, Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press, 138 p.
Part of a series on wildlife habitats; this volume describes the coastal marshes of the United States with particular emphasis on the northern Gulf of Mexico coastline. Environmental influences, plant and animal communities, and the reasons for alteration and loss of marshes are clearly explained for the nontechnical reader; sections on marsh management and the future of marshes give the author's suggestions for minimizing damage to this ecologically valuable environment.
Published by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, in cooperation with the State of Louisiana, 12 p. Crisis on Louisiana's Coast...America's Loss Explains the economic and ecological importance of Louisiana's wetlands, the causes of their loss, and the steps being taken by the State and six Federal agencies to address this critical problem, in an easy-to-read style.