Public Notices
Notice of Application for State Wetland Licenses, Private Wetland Permits, Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Permits, Dam Safety Permits, Water Quality Certification, and/or Federal Consistency Concurrence and the Opportunity to Provide Written Comment or Request an Informational Hearing
January 15, 2025
The Water and Science Administration has received the applications listed below. A preliminary review has indicated that the listed projects may be subject to the opportunity for a public hearing once the application is substantially complete. Projects may be significantly altered during the review process. The applications and related information are available for inspection and copying. You may also request written notice of any hearing opportunity by having your name placed on the interested persons list for each project in which you are interested. To inspect the file or to have your name placed on the interested persons list, contact the assigned division at the telephone number indicated below or send an email to the assigned reviewer no later than February 15, 2025, unless otherwise noted in the Public Notice.
Wetlands and Waterways Protection Program - (410) 537-3837
Nontidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3456
Garrett County
24-NT-3240/202461580: ROBERT AND CAROL CISNEY, 321 Azeala Drive, Venetia, Pennsylvania 15367, has applied to construct a driveway, two stream crossings, and utilities associated with a single-family residence. The project will permanently impact 66 square feet of emergent nontidal wetland, 3,227 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, and 58 linear feet (309 square feet) of stream. The project will temporarily impact 25 square feet of emergent nontidal wetland, 365 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, and 38 linear feet (204 square feet) of stream. The project is proposed on an unnamed tributary of Deep Creek Lake (Use III). The project is located at the end of Laurel Court in Garrett County. Written comments, requests for a public informational hearing and requests to be included on the interested persons list may be sent by February 15, 2025 to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Stephen Jones, 160 South Water Street, Frostburg, MD 21532 or at or 301-689-1493. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process.
Tidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3571
Baltimore County
23-WL-0762 / 24-WQC-0045 / 202361518 - TRADEPOINT TIL TERMINALS LLC, 6995 Bethlehem Boulevard, Baltimore, MD, 21219. Public information hearings for the proposed work listed below will be held to gather information and hear testimony to assist the Department in making a determination regarding an application for a Wetlands License and Water Quality Certification.
An in-person hearing will be held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 6:00 PM and end no later than 9:00 PM at the Sollers Point Multi-Purpose Center 323 Sollers Point Rd, Dundalk MD 21222. A poster session will be held prior to the hearing from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. In case of inclement weather on February 25, 2025, where the Baltimore County snow emergency plan is in effect or Baltimore County public schools are closed, then the in-person public hearing will be held on March 4, 2025, at 6:00 PM and end no later than 9:00 PM at the Sollers Point Multi-Purpose Center located at 323 Sollers Point Road, Dundalk, MD 21222. A poster session will be held prior to the hearing from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. If the hearing on February 25 is held, there will not be a hearing on March 4.
A virtual hearing will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 3:00 PM and end no later than 6:00 PM. The hearing can be accessed by the following link: A slide presentation will be available prior to the start of the virtual hearing from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Statements for or against this project may be presented orally at the hearings or in writing to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Tidal Wetlands Division; 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland, 21230, Attn: Matt Wallach. Written comments will be accepted until March 21, 2024.
Tradepoint TIL Terminals LLC has applied for the construction of a new container terminal in the Port of Baltimore. The Sparrows Point Container Terminal (SPCT) will be located at the Coke Point Peninsula of Tradepoint Atlantic, 6995 Bethlehem Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21219. The proposed terminal would consist of a +/- 3,000-foot marginal wharf with up to nine ship-to-shore cranes, a container yard, gate complex, intermodal/rail yard, and various support structures. To provide vessel access to the wharf, the project would include deepening and widening of the existing Sparrows Point Channel and turning basin, which would require mechanical dredging to a maximum proposed depth of 52.22 feet at mean low water and placement of approximately 4.2 million cubic yards (MCY) of dredged material at a dredged material containment facility (DMCF). The proposed project would include the construction of an offshore DMCF on the west side of Coke Point in the existing in-water Coal Pier Channel, to provide placement capacity for a portion of the dredged material. The DMCF would be created by constructing a water-side berm across the mouth of the existing channel, to provide placement capacity for approximately 750,000 cubic yards of dredged material. The DMCF would permanently fill approximately 19.6 acres of tidal waters. Of the remaining dredge material, approximately 1.2 to 1.7 MCY would be placed on-site at the proposed upland High Head Industrial Basin DMCF, approximately 1.25 MCY would be placed at the existing Masonville DMCF located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland and/or Cox Creek DMCF located in Baltimore, Maryland, owned by the Maryland Port Administration, and approximately 1.5 MCY will be barged to Norfolk Ocean Disposal Site (NODS), a designated offshore disposal area located in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 17 miles from the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay. The High Head Industrial Basin DMCF, located approximately 2.5 miles northeast of the terminal project area within the Tradepoint Atlantic property, would involve constructing a DMCF with an exterior dike elevation of approximately +30 feet with the capacity to hold 1.2 to 1.7 MCY of dredged material.
A Water Quality Certification (WQC), 24-WQC-0045, has been requested. Mitigation for impacts to the Patapsco River resulting in loss of open water will be assessed.
A full joint MDE-USACE public notice, plans and supporting project information are available on the project webpage at the following link: In addition, plans and supporting project information will also be housed at the following Baltimore County Public Library Branches and will be made available upon request:
Sollers Point Branch | North Point Branch | Essex Branch | Rosedale Branch |
323 Sollers Point Road | 1716 Merritt Boulevard | 1110 Eastern Boulevard | 6105 Kenwood Avenue |
Dundalk, MD 21222 | Dundalk, MD 21222 | Essex, MD 21221 | Rosedale, MD 21237 |
For more information contact Matt Wallach at or 410-207-0893.
Queen Anne's County
22-WL-1259(R1)/ 202261974 / GIBSON GRANT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. Off John Gibson Dr, Kayak Launch Area, Chester, (Queen Anne's), MD 21619 has applied to construct a 28-foot long by 5-foot wide fixed timber pier, a 20-foot long by 4-foot wide metal gangway, a 20-foot long by 5-foot wide floating pier, and a 14-foot long by 5-foot wide floating kayak platform; all within 49 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The project will require mitigation for impacts to SAV’s. Mitigation will include fill, grade, and planting marsh vegetation by emplacing 10 cubic yards of sand, establishing 1,020 square feet of tidal marsh, all extending a maximum of 9 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to provide greater access to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. For more information, please contact Matt Godbey at or 410-901-0433.
24-WL-0497/24-WQC-0047/202460699 NVEST HOLDINGS, LLC, at 300 Mylander Lane, Stevensville, MD 21666 has applied to construct the following: 1) a 150-foot long by 6-foot wide timber with a 10-foot long by 20-foot wide “T” shaped platform, one boat lift with associated piles, two PWC lifts with associated piles, and one mooring pile extending a maximum of 130 feet channelward of the mean high water line; 2) seven segmented stone breakwater structures from 100 to 153 feet long, all 18.5 feet wide, fill and grade with 1,850 cubic yards of sand along approximately 790 linear feet of shoreline, and plant with 8,131 square feet of spartina alterniflora, 21,975 square feet of spartina patens, and 7,075 square feet of American beach grass, all within a maximum of 78 feet channelward of the mean high-water line. The purpose of the project is to stabilize an eroding shoreline and allow access to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. The proposed project is within the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay. For more information, contact Matt Godbey at or (410) 901-4033
St Marys County
24-WL-1087/202461657 CHRIS & CAITLIN SYZMENDERA, 45261 Daniels Rd., Hollywood, MD 0636, have applied to construct a 17-foot long by 10-foot wide stone breakwater, within a maximum of 27 feet channelward of the high waterline. The project is located at 45261 Daniels Rd., Hollywood, MD 20636. The purpose of the project is to enhance navigable access and to control shore erosion. For more information, please contact Justin Bereznak at or 410-537-3782.
24-WL-1065/202461622 CRAIG & AMY MATZDORF, 24664 Half Pone Point Rd., Hollywood, MD 20636, have applied to replenish 263 feet of existing low profile stone sill and emplace 60 feet of low profile stone sill within a maximum of 42 feet channelward of the mean high water line and fill, grade, and plant approximately 2,520 square feet of marsh vegetation along 323 feet of eroding shoreline with 120 cubic yards of sand emplaced within a maximum of 42 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The project is located on 24664 Half Pone Point Rd., Hollywood, MD 20636, St. Mary’s County. The purpose of the project is to control shore erosion. For more information, please contact Justin Bereznak at or 410-537-3782.
Water Quality Certifications – (410) 537-3837
Waterway Construction – (410) 537-3821
Stormwater, Dam Safety, and Flood Management Program - (410) 537-3552
Dam Safety Division – (410) 537-3552