Public Notices
Notice of Application for State Wetland Licenses, Private Wetland Permits, Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Permits, Water Quality Certification, and/or Federal Consistency Concurrence and the Opportunity to Provide Written Comment or Request an Informational Hearing
January 1st, 2025
The Water and Science Administration has received the applications listed below.
A preliminary review has indicated that the listed projects may be subject to the opportunity for a public hearing once the application is substantially complete. Projects may be significantly altered during the review process. The applications and related information are available for inspection and copying. You may also request written notice of any hearing opportunity by having your name placed on the interested persons list for each project in which you are interested. To inspect the file or to have your name placed on the interested persons list, contact the assigned division at the telephone number indicated below no later than February 1st, 2025 unless otherwise noted in the Public Notice.
Wetlands and Waterways Protection Program - (410) 537-3837
Nontidal Wetlands Division - (410) 537-3456
Washington County
24-NT-3155/202461191: PLEASANTS DEVELOPMENT, LLC, 24012 Frederick Road, Clarksburg, Maryland 20871, has applied to construct a road, two stream crossings, a bio-retention area, and utilities associated with a residential development. The project will permanently impact 855 square feet of forested nontidal wetland, 2,226 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 48 linear feet (455 square feet) of stream and 6,321 square feet of 100-year floodplain. The project will temporarily impact 808 square feet of 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 103 linear feet (1,879 square feet) of stream and 3,750 square feet of 100-year floodplain. The project is proposed on Little Antietam Creek (Use IV). Mitigation will be provided through payment into the Nontidal Wetland Compensation Fund. The project is located at the end of Providence Drive in Washington County. Written comments, requests for a public informational hearing and requests to be included on the interested persons list may be sent by January 31, 2025 to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Attn: Stephen Jones, 160 South Water Street, Frostburg, MD 21532 or at or 301-689-1493. Any further notices concerning actions on the application will be provided only by mail to those persons on the interested persons list. Please refer to Subsection 5-907 of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Code of Maryland Regulations 26.23.02 for information regarding the application process.
Tidal Wetlands Division (410) 537-3571
Anne Arundel County
24-WL-0723/202461059 NADINE JACOBSON, at 4901 Goose Creek Rd, Shady Side, MD 20764, has applied to excavate 4,500 square feet of phragmites and to construct a living shoreline consisting of 107 linear feet of marsh edging, a 43 linear foot hooked groin, and a 42 linear foot stone sill, and enhance the existing marsh by planting 4,339 square feet of high marsh vegetation and 1,015 square feet of low marsh vegetation over 95 cubic yards of clean sand fill, with all work proposed within a maximum of 24 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to provide shoreline erosion control. The project is located on the Chesapeake Bay at 4901 Goose Creek Rd, Shady Side, MD 20764. For more information, please contact Mel Throckmorton at or at 410-375-2803.
Queen Anne's County
24-GL-1114/202461689, JARED & ERICA STUART, 1903 Love Point Rd, Stevensville, (Queen Anne's), MD 21666 has applied to construct the following: 1) a 134-foot long by 6-foot wide timber pier with a 10-foot long by 20-foot wide “T” shaped platform, one boat lift with associated piles, two PWC lifts with associated piles, and one mooring piles all within a maximum of 144 feet channelward of the mean high water line; 2) 240 feet of stone revetment within a maximum of 12 feet channelward of the mean high water line. Mitigation will be required for placement of the stone greater than 10 feet channelward by payment into the Tidal Wetlands Compensation Fund. The purpose of the project is to restore existing revetment and provide access to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. For more information, please contact Matt Godbey at or 410-901-4033.
Worcester County
23-WL-0322/202360518 CHUCK KUHN, 4412 Mercure Circle, Sterling, VA 20166, has applied to mechanically maintenance dredge a 13,331 square foot area to a maximum depth of 3.0 feet at mean low water; deposit approximately 521 cubic yards of dredged material on an approved upland disposal site at 7698 Libertytown Road, Berlin, MD; and construct one boat lift extending a maximum of 19 feet channelward of the mean high water line. The purpose of the project is to maintain navigable access. The project is located at 5717 Waterside Drive, Berlin, MD 21811. For more information, please contact Miles Simmons at or 410-901-4044.
Water Quality Certifications – (410) 537-3837
Waterway Construction Division – (410) 537-3821
Dam Safety Permits Division – (410) 537-3552