14. Millington Wildlife Management Area
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Millington WMA site is a 4.2 acre (4.2 acre forested) wetland restored from agricultural land. It is located in the Chester River - Upper Chester River Area (02-13-05-10) watershed of Kent County. |
The Maryland Department of the Environment and Kent County Soil Conservation District constructed and planted the site between Fall 1995 and Spring 1996. |
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Pre-construction 1994 |
The site has established into an a diverse forested wetland system. When MDE scored this site in 2009 using the newly developed Mitigation Site Scoring Method, the site received the score of 89/100. This site provides multiple wetland functions including providing habitat, filtering pollutants, reducing headwater floodwater, and providing recreational opportunites. |
![](/programs/water/WetlandsandWaterways/AboutWetlands/PublishingImages/www.mde.state.md.us/assets/image/wetlands/restoration/MillingtonI_June09_frog_re.jpg) |
![](/programs/water/WetlandsandWaterways/AboutWetlands/PublishingImages/www.mde.state.md.us/assets/image/wetlands/restoration/MillingtonI_June09_snapping_re.jpg) |
Frog |
Snapping turtle |
This site is located on public land. Click here to view an aerial photo and location information.
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