Maryland's Stormwater Management Act
The “Stormwater Management Act of 2007” (Act) became effective on October 1, 2007. Prior to this Act, environmental site design (ESD), was encouraged through a series of credits found in Maryland’s Stormwater Design Manual. The Act requires that ESD, through the use of nonstructural best management practices and other better site design techniques, be implemented to the maximum extent practicable. Charged with implementation, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) is in the process of addressing the requirements of the Act including changes to regulations, the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual, and other guidance materials. Provisions of the Stormwater Management Act (Environment Article 4 §201.1 and §203) are available General Assembly of Maryland's website here:
General Assembly of Maryland - Code of Maryland (Statutes)
March 16, 2011:
MDE, in conjunction with the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Soil Conservation Districts (SCDs) has published the “2011 Model Stormwater Management Standard Plan for Poultry House Site Development on Maryland Eastern Shore.” The Standard Plan is a single design option that is intended to be used by the SCDs, County stormwater management authorities, and local designers to facilitate the development of poultry operations on the Eastern Shore.
MDE has developed a stormwater management “calculator” to assist in sizing of the stormwater management practices for the “Model Standard Plan for Poultry House Site Development on the Eastern Shore.”
Copies of the standard plan and calculator are available here:
October 14, 2010:
MDE has published guidance on technical procedures and calculations for redevelopment that may be found here:
July 30, 2010:
MDE has published guidance on the technical procedures and calculations necessary for implementing ESD. This guidance may be found here:
April 2010:
MDE has updated the “Maryland Stormwater Guidelines for State and Federal Projects” to reflect the “Stormwater Management Act of 2007” and the recently enacted COMAR 26.17.02 regulations. MDE has also revised the 2009 Model Stormwater Management Ordinance to reflect the recently enacted emergency regulations. Links to the most recent versions of these documents are posted on MDE's webpage here:
October 8, 2009:
MDE has published the 2009 Model Standard Stormwater Management Plan. While all local development review and approval processes are unique, MDE will use this document as a template to ensure effective implementation of standard plans. Questions about the Standard Plan should be directed to the Sediment, Stormwater & Dam Safety Program at (410) 537-3543. A copy of the Model Standard Plan in PDF format is available on MDE's webpage here:
June 11, 2009:
MDE has published the 2009 Model Stormwater Management Ordinance. This guidance is provided to assist county and municipal code development in addressing the SWM Act of 2007. While all local development review and approval processes are unique, MDE will use this document as a template to ensure effective implementation of stormwater management ordinances. For a copy of the Model Stormwater Management Ordinance, please click here! Questions about the Model Ordinance should be directed to the Sediment, Stormwater & Dam Safety Program at (410) 537-3543.
May 5, 2009:
Changes to Maryland's stormwater management regulations (COMAR 26.17.02) to address the SWM Act of 2007 are now effective. Official copies of these regulations may be found at "COMAR Online" on the Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Document's website ( A copy of the complete regulations in PDF format is provided here for informational purposes only If there are any additional questions concerning the regulations, please contact the Sediment, Stormwater & Dam Safety Program at (410) 537-3543.
April 30, 2009 Update:
MDE has published the Notice of Final Action for changes to Maryland's stormwater management regulations (COMAR 26.17.02) in the Maryland Register (Volume 36, Issue 9, ppg. 625-688) published on April 24, 2009. Please note that changes to COMAR 26.17.02 to address the Stormwater Management Act of 2007 become effective on May 4, 2009.
April 15, 2009 Update:
MDE has begun the formal process for final adoption of the stormwater management regulations. These regulations, which were originally proposed in the Maryland Register (35:25 Md. R. 2191-2198) on December 5, 2008, will be adopted with nonsubstantive changes. These changes and revisions to the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual may be found here:
All information posted before April 15, 2009 has been archived. To view archived material, please go here.
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