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List of State Officials - Martin O'Malley, Governor; Anthony Brown, Lt. Governor; Shari T. Wilson, MDE Secretary 

Volume III, Number 11

 July 2009

eMDE is a bi-monthly publication of the Maryland Department of the Environment. It covers articles on current environmental issues and events in the state. 

MDE Recognizes Outstanding Employees

By Kim Lamphier, Office of Communications

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Photo 1: MDE employees 

Photo 2: MDE employees 

Photo 3: MDE employees 

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The Maryland Department of the Environment is fortunate to have an incredibly talented and dedicated staff.

The Department congratulates the following employees for their outstanding service during the last quarter:

Rick Lego and Mike Frank, of the Oil Control Program, for their hard work and enthusiasm in developing, organizing, and presenting at the meeting between Oil Control and the Comptroller's Office to cross train over 30 staff from the two state agencies.

Jack Hughes, of the Water Supply Program, for the outstanding quality of work he provides managing the grant, budget, contract, and personnel obligations of the program.

Yen-Der Chang, of the Water Management Administration, for his unparalleled commitment in providing planning and outreach related to a new requirement for county comprehensive plans related to water resources.

Andrea Baker, of the Office of the Attorney General, for her professionalism, dedication, and expertise in handling enforcement actions and providing legal advice. 

Heather Njo, of the Waste Management Administration, for her hard work and enthusiasm as a Project Manager overseeing hazardous waste remediation at Federal Facilities. 

Sheila Dean, of the Waste Management Administration for her work in the design, implementation, and management of a database to track over 3,300 underground storage tank facilities.

Martha Hynson, of the Waste Management Administration, for outstanding service to the citizens of the Midshore Counties as they addressed their landfill issues. 

John Scherer, of the Air and Radiation Management Administration, for outstanding performance and expertise related to permitting.

Gisele Brown, of the Administrative Services Administration, for going above and beyond required work to ensure high caliber services for MDE employees.

Alesia Koritzer, of the Administrative Service Administration, for her hard work and determination in effectively managing MDE's vehicle fleet. 

Missy Martin, of the Water Quality Financing Administration, for outstanding effort related to Maryland’s water and sewer components of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. 

Michael Richardson and Yen-Der Cheng of the Water Management Administration, for their outstanding efforts to improve the management of permits.

Gary Magaziner, of the Water Management Administration, for his tremendous efforts in assisting Western Maryland towns and counties to coordinate their jointly funded projects.


©2009 Copyright MDE

Editorial Board
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230