Press Release

BALTIMORE, MD (July 27, 2006) – The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) today released the latest statistics in its statewide “2005 Childhood Lead Registry Annual Surveillance Report”. Among other data, the annual report compiles all blood lead tests done on Maryland children 0-18 years of age, and provides blood lead test results to local health departments as needed for case management and planning. MDE has compiled this comprehensive annual report on statewide childhood blood lead screening since 1995.

Lead is one of the most significant and widespread environmental hazards for children in Maryland. Children are at greatest risk from birth to age six while their neurological systems are developing. MDE’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program serves as the coordinating agency of statewide efforts to eliminate childhood lead poisoning.

To view the report online, and for more information about childhood lead poisoning prevention, please visit: or call 410-537-3843
