Reservoir Volumes and Storage for Drought Monitoring as of February 28, 2021

​​Storage in selected Maryland reservoirs for the end of February 2021

Water System Reservoir Percent Full* Days of Storage**
City of Frostburg
Piney 99%

City of Cumberland Lake Gordon ****
Lake Koon ****
City of Baltimore
Liberty 100% 346
330Loch Raven 100%
Prettyboy 100%
Total 100%
Triadelphia Reservoir 99% 193
Rocky Gorge/Duckett
Seneca Creek Reserve 100% NA
All Potomac River Plants Jennings-Randolph Reserve*** 100% NA
​* Percent Full is the ratio of current volume to the maximum usable volume in each reservoir at the end of the month. 

** Days of Storage is the number of days available to meet the system's demand.

*** Percent full for Jennings-Randolph Reservoir is based on the allotted quanity of water in reservoir used to supplement Potomac River flow for drinking water purposes.

****Data not available as of 2021-Mar-03


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For More Information
Please contact the Water Supply Program at​ or 410-537-3702