Maryland precipitation indicators for the periods ending 30-Jun-2019​

​Maryland precipitation indicators for the periods ending 30-Jun-2019​
Precipitation Indicators for Maryland Drought Regions
June 30, 2019
Since Mar 31, 2019
WY to Date
Since June 30, 2018
Percent of Normal
Percent of Normal Condition Percent of Normal Condition
Western 124% Normal 128% Normal 150% Normal
Central 108% Normal 131% Normal 156% Normal
Eastern 118% Normal 133% Normal 134% Normal
Southern 113% Normal 139% Normal 156% Normal
1WY or Water Year begins on October 1.

Rain Bar 2019-06-30

Rain Line 2019-06-30

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For More Information

Please contact the Water Supply Program at​ or 410-537-3702