The EMECS 9 - Managing for Results in our Coastal Seas conference willheld August 28-31, 2011, in Baltimore. Abstracts are due January 14, 2011.
EMECS 9 will bring together leaders in government, non-government organizations, academia, and the private sector interested in the management and policies of protecting and restoring the world’s coastal seas. Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend this international gathering of experts and key stakeholders in coastal sea management.
As the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico demonstrates, coastal seas are both valuable and vulnerable. Managing the world's coastal seas and restore their ecosystems requires the best science-based approaches, policies and resources. It also requires accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency.
EMECS 9 will improve our ability to manage the ecological, economic, and cultural dimensions of our coastal seas. The conference will cross professional disciplines and cultures by bringing together experts and stakeholders from across the world to share information, insights, and lessons learned.
Click here to visit the conference website