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Volume III, Number 5
December 2007
eMDE is a monthly publication of the Maryland Department of the Environment. It covers articles on current environmental issues and events in the state.
The Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) is developing regulations that will apply to farm operations with large numbers of animals and those using organic sources of nutrients that have been identified as having the greatest potential to negatively impact water quality. These regulations have been under discussion at the federal and State level for several years. The EPA developed federal requirements for these standards which were then legally challenged. Federal law found that the EPA regulations were not sufficient in some areas, sending EPA back to the drawing board. MDE then halted wok on it’s similar regulations. In May of this year, the Secretaries of MDE and the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) agreed that they should move forward with their own standards and that Maryland could not afford to wait for EPA. Click here for more information.
Click here for partial lists by county of permit, license, and certification applications and issuances as well as other permitting activity at the Maryland Department of the Environment. For more information on these permits, please contact MDE’s Customer Service Center at (410) 537-3772.
Governor O’Malley’s Climate Change Commission approved its Interim Report to the Governor and Legislature on December 4th. The Interim Report is a set of recommendations concerning greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and short-term actions that Maryland could take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Commission continues to study over 50 policy initiatives for inclusion in the final report due to the Governor in April 2008. Click here for the Interim Report Recommendations.
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