For The Record: MDE Permits, Licenses, Certifications Applications and Issuances The following is a partial list by county of permit, license, and certification applications and issuances as well as other MDE permitting activity between 8/16/2009 thru 9/15/2009 . For more information on these permits, please contact MDE’s Customer Service Center at (410) 537-3772. Applications Received
BUFFALO COAL – Lonaconing, MD (SC-83-104) Insignificant Modification
TRI-STAR MINING – Barton, MD (SM-91-419) Insignificant Modification VINDEX ENERGY CORP. – Barton, MD (SM-96-427) Insignificant Modification WIN-MORE MINING & CONST. Midlothian, MD (SM-99-433) Insignificant Modification Anne Arundel ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY DPW – Heritage Office Complex, 2662 Riva Road, 3rd Floor, Annapolis, MD 21401. (09-1145) Sewerage permit to construct a wastewater treatment plant at 462 Brockbridge Road, Laurel, MD ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY DPW – 2568A Riva Road, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401. (09-1149) Water permit to construct water mains at Odenton Road, Morgan Rd., ex. Odenton Town Center Blvd., along proposed alignment of Odenton Town Center Blvd., extension to Blue Water Boulevard ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY DPW – 2568A Riva Road, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401. (09-1150) Water permit to construct water mains at Odenton Town Center Boulevard and West Jacob Road ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY DPW – 2568A Riva Road, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401. (09-1151) Water permit to construct water mains at Patuxent Road N. under AMTRAK, on Ferguson Trenching Company Property at 1405 Odenton Road to Odenton Road DORSEY RUN ADVANCED WWTP - 7920 Brock Bridge Rd, Jessup, MD 20794. Application received for Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit Application FREETOWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - 7904 Freetown Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 210608208. Application received for Installation of two HB Smith (Model #3500 A-SW-12) boilers SHELL GASOLINE STATION #530 - 3900 Mountain Rd, Pasadena, MD 21122. Application received for Installation of one 15,000-gallon and two 12,000-gallon gasoline under ground storage tanks SHELL SERVICE STATION #532 - 8695 Fort Smallwood Rd, Pasadena, MD 21122. Application received for Installation of one 15,000-gallon and two 12,000-gallon gasoline under ground storage tanks THE GREEN TURTLE - 7556 Teague Rd, Ste 100, Hanover, MD 21076. Application received for Installation of one Majikitch'n (CM-RMB-636-4) charbroiler VALLEY PROTEINS, INC. - 1515 Open St, Baltimore, MD 21226. Application received for Installation of one North American Boiler (AB6121) boiler WEST STREET 7-11 BP - 111 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401. Application received for Installation of three 12,000-gallon gasoline under ground storage tanks Baltimore City
CHAPS PIT BEEF - 5801 Pulaski Hwy, Baltimore, MD 21205. Application received for Installation of one CNA-Conv grill DIAMOND MATERIALS, LLC- E. PATAPSCO TEMPORARY - 1701 E Patapsco Ave, Baltimore, MD 21226. Application received for Installation of one (1) temporary crushing operation EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - 3801 Boston St, Baltimore, MD 21224. Application received for Reissue PTC #510-9-1108 issued 9/1/08 to extend expiration date for (1) Soil recycling unit FORT MCHENRY TUNNEL - 2301 Clinton St, South, Baltimore, MD 21224. Application received for Installation of one Smith (Lo28A-W-7) boiler MARYLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL - 827 Linden Ave, Baltimore, MD 21201. Application received for Installation of one (1) Emergency generator rated @500 kW MERCY HOSPITAL INC - 301 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202. Application received for Installation of one Power Mechanical 200 HP boiler MID STATES OIL REFINING, LLC - 5501 Pennington Ave, Baltimore, MD 21226. Application received for Oil Operations Permit Solidification (OPX Renewal) A2010-OPX-22650 MOTIVA ENTERPRISES - 2400 Petrolia Ave, Baltimore, MD 21226. Application received for Renewal Part 70 PTO for Bulk gasoline terminal ST. AGNES HOSPITAL - 900 Caton Ave, Baltimore, MD 21229. Application received for Installation of two (2) Emergency generators, each rated @2000 kW
Baltimore County BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204. (09-1135) Sewerage permit for wastewater pumping station improvements at 2402 Jarsey Avenue (West Side of Veronica Avenue) BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – Bureau of Engineering & Construction, 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4604. (09-1144) Water permit to construct water mains at York Road – from Ridgely Road to Padonia Road BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – Bureau of Engineering & Construction, 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4604. (09-1143) Sewerage permit to construct force main (low pressure) at Hilltop Drive & Summit Avenue BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – County Office Building, 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204. (09-1152) Sewerage permit to construct sewage pump station improvements at Lynch Road (South of Quentin Rd.) CONSTELLATION POWER - C. P. CRANE - 1001 Carroll Island Rd, Middle River, MD 21220. Application received for Modify Part 70 PTO for enhancement to coal handing system FLAVOR & FRAGRANCE SPECIALTIES - 8800 Kelso Dr, Essex, MD 21221. Application received for Installation of one (1) spray dryer MARYLAND PAVING - TEXAS QUARRY - 10000 D Beaver Dam Rd, Cockeysville, MD 21030. Application received for Renewal synthetic minor SPTO for asphalt plant METRO CREMATORY - 299 Frederick Rd, Catonsville, MD 21228. Application received for Amended SPTO add two (2) crematories PORT CITY PRESS - 1323 Greenwood Rd, Pikesville, MD 21208. Application received for Installation of one (1) Heat-set lithographic printing press SAFT AMERICA INC - 107 Beaver Ct, Cockeysville, MD 21030. Application received for Two (2) solvent-based battery electrode coating and drying operations (ARMA registration numbers 005-1623-6-2747 and 005-1623-6-2856), and one (1) batch vapor degreaser that uses halogenated solvent (ARMA registration number 005-1623-6-1302) SERVICE TIRE TRUCK CENTER INC - 3370 Hollins Ferry Rd, Baltimore, MD 21227. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application SHELL SERVICE STATION #537 - 8200 Liberty Rd, Windsor Mill, MD 21224. Application received for Installation of one 15,000-gallon and two 12,000-gallon gasoline under ground storage tanks STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION - OWINGS MILLS SHOP - 10690 Red Run Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117. Application received for Oil Operations Permit (OPT New) A2010-OPT-3682 THE BERG CORPORATION - 9804 Reisterstown Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117. Application received for Installation of one (1) temporary crushing operation TOWSON UNIVERSITY - 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. Application received for Installation of one (1) Emergency generator rated @1500 kW WAL-MART STORE NO. 3481 - 112 Carroll Island Rd, Middle River, MD 21220. Application received for Oil Operations Permit (OPT Renew) A2010-OPT-19496 WAL-MART STORE NO. 3489 - 6420 Petrie Way, Baltimore, MD 21237. Application received for Oil Operations Permit (OPT Renew) A2010-OPT-21439 Calvert
DOMINION COVE POINT LNG, LP - 2100 Cove Point Rd, Lusby, MD 20657. Application received for Significant Modification - Part 70 Permit to Operate 2009 Significant Mod.-Part 70 for Expansion & ASU projects Carroll JONES AUTO CARE LLC - 4000 Sykesville Rd, Finksburg, MD 21048. Application received for Scrap Tire General Collection Facility License Application JONES AUTO CARE LLC - 4000 Sykesville Rd, Finksburg, MD 21048. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application
LEHIGH CEMENT COMPANY - 675 Quaker Hill Rd, Union Bridge, MD 21791. Application received for The permits authorize the installation of:
• one 880 ton dried biosolids (DBS) storage silo;
• one DBS Pfister weighing and conveying system; and
• one cement kiln dust (CKD) silo equipped with a Carbo Tech (model 2-Z-480-CUSBL) baghouse to accommodate the use of DBS as an alternate fuel in the pyroprocessing system. This permit supersedes the permit to construct issued on August 7, 2009.
NORTHERN MUNICIPAL LANDFILL - 1400 Baltimore Blvd, Westminster, MD 21157. Application received for Scrap Tire Primary Collection Facility License Application PETRY'S JUNKYARD INC - 800 Gorsuch Rd, Westminster, MD 21157. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application SERVICE TIRE TRUCK CENTER INC - 6 E Green St, Westminster, MD 21157. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application Cecil
CECIL COUNTY DPW – 200 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite 2400A, Elkton, MD 21921. (09-1138) Sewerage permit to construct force mains and wastewater pumping station at MD Route 40, Perryville, MD HELMICK TIRE SERVICE - 924 Millcreek Ave, Perryville, MD 21903. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application NATIONWIDE RECYCLING LLC - 1447 E. Old Philadelphia Rd, Elkton, MD 21921. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application W L GORE & ASSOCIATES INC - ELK MILLS I - 501 Vieve's Way, Elkton, MD 21921. Application received for Amendment to SPTO to add one (1) coating line with integral drying oven to aide in the development of new coated fluoropolymer materials. WILLIAMS FAMILY AUTO GROUP - 2 Automotive Blvd, Elkton, MD 21921. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application WILSON FUEL SERVICE INC. - 1335 E Old Philadelphia Rd, Elkton, MD 21921. Application received for Oil Operations Permit (OPT Renew) A2010-OPT-4563
CHARLES COUNTY – 200 Baltimore Street, La Plata, MD 20646-2150. (09-1136) Sewerage permit to construct force mains and wastewater pumping station at Mitchell Road, La Plata
EDWARD E. STINNETT – Port Tobacco, MD (04-SP-0979) Modification for a surface mine permit located on Route 301 to Route 6
ST. CHARLES COMMUNITY, LLC. – 222 Smallwood Village Center, St. Charles, MD 20602. (09-1140) Sewerage permit to construct gravity sewers and force mains at St. Charles Parkway, north of Billingsley Road and south of St. Pauls Drive
Dorchester DORCHESTER COUNTY DPW – 5435 Handley Road, Cambridge, MD 21613. (09-1148) Water permit to construct water mains at US Rt. 50 and Bucktown Road STONETECH LLC - TEMP CRUSHER AT HURLOCK, MD - 101 Nealson St, Hurlock, MD 21643. Application received for Reissue PTC 019-6-0083 issued 5/11/09, to extend expiration date
Frederick JEFFERSON AUTO SERVICES INC - 4013 Jefferson Pike, Jefferson, MD 21755. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application
G & S COAL COMPANY – Kitzmiller, MD (SM-00-435) Increment
GLOTFELTY ENTERPRISES INC - 14161 Garrett Hwy, Oakland, MD 21550. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application TRI-STAR MINING – Barton, MD (SM-03-444) Insignificant Modification VINDEX ENERGY CORP. – Swanton, MD (SM-02-443) Insignificant Modification
Harford BALTIMORE ASSEMBLY CENTER - 1704 Trimble Rd, Edgewood, MD 21040. Application received for Scrap Tire General Collection Facility License Application INDEPENDENT CAN COMPANY - 1300 Brass Mill Rd, Belcamp, MD 21017. Application received for Modification of one (1) existing ultra-violet cured print line and automatic blanket wash system with the installation of one (1) new ultra-violet coater and one (1) new ultra-violet cured print line and automatic blanket wash system for exterior coating of metal cans MARYLAND PAVING - CHURCHVILLE QUARRY - 1219a Calvary Rd (rte 136), Churchville, MD 21015. Application received for Renewal synthetic minor SPTO for Hot Mix asphalt plant NORMAN'S NEW & USED AUTO PARTS, INC - 1301 S Philadelphia Blvd, Aberdeen, MD 21001. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application RIVER CITY TRUCK/CAR TIRE & MERCHANICAL REPAIRS, INC - 1219 Old Philadelphia Rd, Aberdeen, MD 21001. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application
INDEPENDENCE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS- JESSUP - 8375 Dorsey Run Rd, Jessup, MD 20794. Application received for Temporary State Permit to Operate 027-0535 Extension to Temp. SPTO for (1) Asphalt plant MANHEIM'S BALTIMORE WASHINGTON AUTO EXCHANGE - 7120 Dorsey Run Rd, Elkridge, MD 21075. Application received for Installation of one (1) Emergency generator rated @400 kW
JOHN & ANDREA RIGDON PROPERTY, KT 6 - 30751 River Rd, Millington, MD 21651. Application received for Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit Application MARYLAND STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION - 615 Morgnec Rd, Rte 291, Chestertown, MD 21620. Application received for Oil Operations Permit (OPT New) A2010-OPT-3540 STOLTZFUS FARMS, LLC PROPERTY, KT 7 - 11753 Chesterfield Rd, Kennedyville, MD 21645. Application received for Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit Application
CARBON RESTAURANT - 100-f Gibbs St, Rockville, MD 20850. Application received for Installation of two H. Ruiz Hnoz. (Model 106-B) charbroilers CECIL COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY - 900 North East Rd, North East, MD 21901. Application received for Scrap Tire General Collection Facility License Application CITICORP - 12401 Prosperity Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Application received for Amended Synthetic Minor Amend Syn Minor State PTO to add 370 kw gen COMMISSIONERS OF POOLESVILLE – 19721 Beall Street, Poolesville, MD 20837-0158. (09-1137) Sewerage permit for wastewater treatment plant at Poolesville, MD NATIONAL NAVAL MEDICAL CENTER - 8901 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20889. Application received for Installation of one (1) Boiler rated @69 MMBtu/hr heat input NATIONAL NAVAL MEDICAL CENTER - 8901 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20889. Application received for Installation of one (1) emergency generator rated @750 kW NORMANDIE ON THE LAKE II CONDOMINIUM - 18640 Walkers Choice Rd, Montgomery Village, MD 20886. Application received for Installation of four Aerco Benchmark boilers WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MARYLAND - MONTGOMERY COUNTY - 8101 Beechcraft Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20879. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application WHITE OAK RESEARCH CENTER - 10901 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20903. Application received for Installation of one (1) Natural gas-fired Solar Mercury 4.5 MW combustion turbine
Prince George’s
ARA, INC - 11850 Baltimore Ave; Ste H, Beltsville, MD 20705. Application received for Installation of one Global Finishing Solutions paint spray booth
CAPITAL QUICKRETE - 5401 Kirby Rd, Clinton, MD 20735. Application received for Renewal SPTO for one (1) 120 TPH natural gas-fired fluidized bed aggregate dryer equipped with a Standard Havens N210-2943 CITY OF HYATTSVILLE - 4633 Arundel Place, Hyattsville, MD 20781. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application JOHN SHARPER INC - 2101 Brinkley Rd, Fort Washington, MD 20744. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application OXON HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - 7701 Livingston Rd, Oxon Hill, MD 20745. Application received for Installation of two (2) Hurst (S1-X-50-30) boilers RELIANT LLC - 4925 56th Place, Bladensburg, MD 20710. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application SERVICE TIRE TRUCK CENTER, INC - 1402 Ritchie Marlboro Ste F11, Capitol Heights, MD 20743. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMISSION – 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707. (09-1141) Sewerage permit for storage facility at 4200 Anacostia Lane, Capitol Heights
Queen Anne's JOHN & RUTH STOLTZFUS PROPERTY, QA-126 - 148 Jones Farm Lane, Millington, MD 21651. Application received for Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit Application MERRICK FARM, LLC PROPERTY, QA-121 - 2251 Goldsboro Rd &, Barclay, MD 21607. Application received for Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit Application SHELL - 401 Thompson Creek Rd, Stevensville, MD 21666. Application received for Installation of one 15,000-gallon and two 12,000-gallon gasoline under ground storage tanks TOWN OF QUEENSTOWN, P.O. Box 4, Queenstown, MD 21658. (09-1139) Water permit to upgrade outlet well system at Outlet Center Drive and MD Rt. 656 Somerset SOMERSET COUNTY SANITARY DISTRICT, INC. – P. O. Box 326, Princess Anne, MD 21853. (09-1147) Sewerage permit to construct force mains and a wastewater pumping station at Somerset Avenue & Fenlon Circle STONETECH, LLC - 30939 Cedar Dr, Princess Anne, MD 21853. Application received for Installation of one (1) temporary crushing operation WILSONS REAL ESTATE, INC. – 10440 Heron Drive, Princess Anne, MD 21853. (09-1146) Sewerage permit to construct force mains and a wastewater pumping station at intersection of Market Lane and Black Duck Lane St. Mary's NUSTAR TERMINALS OPERATIONS PARTNERSHIP L.P. - 17877 Piney Point Rd, Piney Point, MD 20674. Application received for Renewal Part 70 PTO for Bulk liquid storage and distribution facility SEYMOUR, INC. - 30085 Charlotte Hall Rd, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application Talbot AIR REPAIR INC - 29137 Newman Rd Unit 8, Easton, MD 21601. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application EWING MOTORS - 11766 Cordova Rd, Cordova, MD 21625. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application
BOWMAN SALES AND EQUIPMENT, INC - 10233 Governor Lane Blvd, Williamsport, MD 21795. Application received for Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License Application CITY OF HAGERSTOWN – 1 Clean Water Circle, Hagerstown, MD 21740. (09-1142) Water permit to construct water mains at east side of MD Rte. 60, 500’ North Eastern Boulevard CLEAN EARTH OF MARYLAND, INC - 1469 Oak Ridge Place, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Application received for Refuse Disposal Processing & Transfer Station Permit Application LILIAN KRINER FARM, WA-12 - 11119 Dam No. 5 Rd, Clear Spring, MD 21722. Application received for Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit Application RUST-OLEUM CORPORATION - 16410 Industrial Lane, Williamsport, MD 21795. Application received for Renewal synthetic minor SPTO for (1) paint manufacturing plant
GRANTS SERVICE CENTER INC - 111 Truitt St, Salisbury, MD 21804. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application PERDUE AGRIBUSINESS - ZION CHURCH ROAD - 6906 Zion Church Rd, Salisbury, MD 21804. Application received for Installation of one (1) Katolight (Model D600FRY4T2) emergency generator to provide emergency power for the facility's main boiler room TRINITY STERILE INC - 201 Kiley Drive, Salisbury, MD 21801. Application received for Modification to increase permitted annual throughput limit
Outside of Maryland GLASSMERE FUEL SERVICE - 1967 Saxonburg Blvd, PO Box 187, Curtisville, PA 15032. Application received for Oil Operations Permit (OPT New) A2010-OPV-32310 JOSEPH DELBO AND SON - 1300 Toby Run Rd, Danville, PA 17821. Application received for Oil Operations Permit Delivery (OPV Renewal) A2010-OPV-2274 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY CODE 3480 - 4555 Overlook Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20375. Application received for Scrap Tire Hauler License Application OP-TECH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC - 30 Nixon Lane, Stes E & G, Edison, NJ 08837. Application received for Oil Operations Permit Delivery (OPV New) A2010-OPV-32282 ROSEY'S TANK CLEANING LLC - 1940 Harris Drive, Deptford, NJ 08096. Application received for Oil Operations Permit Delivery (OPV New) A2010-OPV-32309
Permits, Licenses, and Ccertifications Issued
Allegany TRI-STAR MINING – Barton, MD (SM-91-419) Insignificant Modification VINDEX ENERGY CORP. – Barton, MD (SM-96-427) Insignificant Modification VINDEX ENERGY CORPORATION - FROSTBURG BLEND YARD - Route 36, Frostburg, MD 21532. Issued 2009 001-0161 Change of Ownership SPTO for Coal processing operation WIN-MORE MINING & CONST. Midlothian, MD (SM-99-433) Insignificant Modification
Anne Arundel ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY DPW – 2662 Riva road, Annapolis, MD 21401. (09-15-1088) Sewerage permit to construct force mains at intersection of Riedel Road and Johns Hopkins Road
CHANEY ENTERPRISES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP – Waldorf, MD (89-SP-0335-B) Renewal for a surface mine permit located on Meyers Station Road
DEFENSE REUTILIZATION AND MARKETING OFFICE - 77 Rock Ave, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755. Issued 2004RSC00097 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License FREETOWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - 7904 Freetown Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 210608208. Issued 003-0157-5-0708 & 0709 GP for (2) Small boilers SHELL GASOLINE STATION #530 - 3900 Mountain Rd, Pasadena, MD 21122. Issued 003-0625-9-0975 GP for (1) Motor Vehicle Refueling Facility SHELL SERVICE STATION #532 - 8695 Fort Smallwood Rd, Pasadena, MD 21122. Issued 003-0577-9-0974 GP for (1) Motor Vehicle Refueling Facility THE GREEN TURTLE - 7556 Teague Rd, Ste 100, Hanover, MD 21076. Issued 003-1434-8-0237 GP for (1) Charbroiler VALLEY PROTEINS, INC. - 1515 Open St, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 003-0023-5-0712 GP for (1) Small boiler WEST STREET 7-11 BP - 111 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401. Issued 003-0833-9-0973 GP for (1) Motor Vehicle Refueling Facility Baltimore City
ATLANTIC ETHANOL, LLC - 5701 Pennington Ave, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 2008-OPT-4362A Oil Operations Permit CENTER POINT TERMINAL BALTIMORE LLC - 3100 Vera St, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 2009 510-0730 Ren. SPTO for Gasoline terminal CITGO MOTIVA BALTIMORE TERMINAL - 2201 Southport Ave, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 24-510-0119 Ren. Part 70 PTO for Bulk petrol. marketing terminal DOLFIELD BP - 3601 Dolfield Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215. Issued 510-3539-9-1189 GP for (1) Small Gasoline Storage Tank FORT MCHENRY TUNNEL - 2301 Clinton St, South, Baltimore, MD 21224. Issued 510-3403-4-3252 GP for (1) Small boiler JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY - CHARLES STREET - 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218. Issued 24-510-0077 Ren. Part 70 PTO for power plant MID STATES OIL REFINING, LLC - 5501 Pennington Ave, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 2010-OPX-22650 Oil Operations Permit Solidification TRIGEN-BALTIMORE ENERGY- SPRING GARDENS PLANT - 1501 Leadenhall St, Baltimore, MD 21230. Issued 24-510-2796 Ren. Part 70 PTO for Steam generating plant W R GRACE AND CO - DAVISON CHEMICAL DIVISION - 5500 Chemical Rd, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 24-510-0076 Ren. Part 70 PTO for silica mfg facility W R GRACE AND CO - DAVISON CHEMICAL DIVISION - 5500 Chemical Rd, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 510-0076-7-1077 Simple PTC for (2) Dust collectors W R GRACE AND CO - DAVISON CHEMICAL DIVISION - 5500 Chemical Rd, Baltimore, MD 21226. Issued 510-0076-7-1094 Simple PTC for (1) Dust collector Baltimore County
BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, County Office Building, Towson, MD 21204. (0921-1016) Sewerage permit to construct gravity sewers at Sussex and Liberty Roads BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204. (09-23-1040) Sewerage permit to construct wastewater pumping station upgrades at 705 Woodland Drive BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – 111W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204. (09-23-1020) Sewerage permit to construct wastewater pumping station improvements at 407 Seminole Avenue, north of Beechwood Avenue BALTIMORE COUNTY DPW – 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, MD 21204. (09-23-1045) Sewerage permit to construct wastewater pumping station upgrades at 1215 Penwood Road at Beechwood Road Intersection BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS - 6901 N Charles St, Towson, MD 21204. Issued 005-9-2699-1381 & 1382 Simple PTC for (2)Emer gen rated @600 &350 COMCAST OF BALTIMORE CITY, L.P. - 8110 Corporate Drive, White Marsh, MD 21236. Issued 005-2701-9-1384 Simple PTC for (1) Emer. gen. rated @1500 kW GUNPOWDER PUMPING STATION - 9301 Dundawan Rd, Perry Hall, MD 21236. Issued 2009-STR-3888 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit SA BEST TIRES, INC - 6204-c Baltimore National Pike, Catonsville, MD 21228. Issued 2009-RSC-7583 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License SHELL SERVICE STATION #537 - 8200 Liberty Rd, Windsor Mill, MD 21224. Issued 005-1572-9-1387 GP for (1) Motor Vehicle Refueling Facility STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION - OWINGS MILLS SHOP - 10690 Red Run Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117. Issued 2010-OPT-3682 Oil Operations Permit T. ROWE PRICE - OWINGS MILLS FINANCIAL CENTER - 4405 Painters Mill Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117. Issued 2010-OPT-32204 Oil Operations Permit TEXAS PUMPING STATION SEPTIC DISPOSAL SITE - 10320 York Rd, Cockeysville, MD 21030. Issued 2009-STR-5493 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit THE BERG CORPORATION - 9804 Reisterstown Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117. Issued 005-1880-6-2981 Simple PTC for (1) Temp. crushing operation WAL-MART STORE NO. 3481 - 112 Carroll Island Rd, Middle River, MD 21220. Issued 2010-OPT-19496 Oil Operations Permit WAL-MART STORE NO. 3489 - 6420 Petrie Way, Baltimore, MD 21237. Issued 2010-OPT-21439 Oil Operations Permit
Calvert CALVERT GATEWAY WWTP AND WTP - 10760 Town Center Blvd, Dunkirk, MD 20754. Issued 2009-STR-5084 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit DOMINION COVE POINT LNG, LP - 2100 Cove Point Rd, Lusby, MD 20657. Issued 009-0021-5-0049-0057 Extension to TPO isd 12/1/08 for Expan. proj RUDDY DUCK BREWERY & GRILL - 13200 Dowell Rd, Dowell, MD 20629. Issued 009-0128-8-0012 GP for (1) Charbroiler SOLOMONS ISLAND WWTP - 500 Sweetwater Lane, Lusby, MD 20657. Issued 2009-STR-5085 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit Caroline CHARLES ELLWANGER, JR. PROPERTY, CR-72 - 12281 Kibler Rd, Greensboro, MD 21639. Issued 2009-SAG-4315 Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit GENERAL MILLS BAKERIES & FOOD SERVICE - 300 Reliance Ave, Federalsburg, MD 21632. Issued 24-011-0006 Ren. Part 70 PTO for Bread Crumb Mfg. Fac. JAMES HENRY, JR. PROPERTY, CR-93 - 11000 Block of Knife Box Rd, Denton, MD 21629. Issued 2009-SAG-4008 Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit O.E. BREEDING & SONS MATERIALS LLC. – Denton, MD (78-SP-0545-1) Renewal for a surface mine permit located on Route 16 SOLO CUP OPERATING CORPORATION - 1000 Industrial Park Dr, Federalsburg, MD 21632. Issued 2009 011-1144 Ren. S-M SPTO for Printing & container mfg. fac. Carroll ALL COUNTY CREMATION SERVICES, INC. - 6416 Sykesville Rd, Sykesville, MD 21784. Issued 2009 013-0262 Ren. SPTO for (1) Human crematory CITY OF TANEYTOWN – 17 East Baltimore Street, Taneytown, MD 21787. (09-21:22:23) Sewerage permit to construct gravity sewers, force mains and wastewater pumping station at York Street (MD 194) & West View Drive. to York Street (MD 194) & Kenan Street FREDERICK ROELECKE PROPERTY, CA-31 - 4148 Bullfrog Rd, Taneytown, MD 21787. Issued 2009-SAG-5477 Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit FREEDOM DISTRICT WWTP - 1301 Raincliff Rd, Sykesville, MD 21784. Issued 2009-STR-5485 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit FREEDOM DISTRICT WWTP - 1301 Raincliff Rd, Sykesville, MD 21784. Issued 2009-STR-5487 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit WETZEL'S GARAGE - 209 West Liberty Rd, Sykesville, MD 21784. Issued 2009-RTH-7573 Scrap Tire Hauler License
DUFFY CREEK MARINA - 20 Duffy Creek Rd, Georgetown, MD 21930. Issued 2010-OPT-2901 Oil Operations Permit W L GORE & ASSOCIATES INC - ELK MILLS I - 501 Vieve's Way, Elkton, MD 21921. Issued 015-0101-6-0169 Toxics S-M PTC for Mod to coating line W. L. GORE - ELK CREEK PLANT - 295 Blue Ball Rd, Elkton, MD 21921. Issued 015-0150-6-0180 (TR13051) Reissue PTC S-M for GP6 line W. L. GORE - ELK CREEK PLANT - 295 Blue Ball Rd, Elkton, MD 21921. Issued 015-0150-6-0294 Toxics PTC for (2) Coaters WILSON FUEL SERVICE INC. - 1335 E Old Philadelphia Rd, Elkton, MD 21921. Issued 2010-OPT-4563 Oil Operations Permit
COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN MARYLAND - 8730 Mitchell Rd, La Plata, MD 20646. Issued 017-0041-4-0221 through 0224 GP for (4) Small boilers NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY INDIAN HEAD - Environmental Program Office, Indian Head, MD 206405157. Issued 017-0040-6-0064 Simple S-M PTC to Mod (3) Emer gen for peak shav. WILLIAM J. WHEATLEY, JR. PROPERTY, CH-11 - 7700 Wheatley Rd, La Plata, MD 20646. Issued 2009-SAG-4307 Sewage Sludge Utilization Agricultural Land Application Permit
BALLENGER CREEK WWTP- FREDERICK COUNTY - 7400 Marcies Choice Lane, Frederick, MD 21704. Issued 2008-STR-5482 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit BALLENGER CREEK WWTP- FREDERICK COUNTY - 7400 Marcies Choice Lane, Frederick, MD 21704. Issued 2009-STR-3643 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit BUSSARD BROTHERS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY - 5307-B Green Valley Rd, Monrovia, MD 21770. Issued 2009-NWW-GP01 Natural Wood Waste Recycling General Permit FC LANDFILL ENERGY, LLC - 9031 Reichs Ford Rd, Frederick, MD 21704. Issued 021-0668-9-0293 APA PTC for (1) LF gas-fired energy gen. fac. LAFARGE MID ATLANTIC, INC. - Towson, MD (77-SP-0054-D) Modification to surface mine located I-70 to south street exit in Frederick MARYLAND STONE - ESSROC SITE - 4124 Buckeystown Pike, Buckeystown, MD 21717. Issued 2009 021-0413 Ren. S-M SPTO for (2) Crushing & screening plants
METTIKI COAL, LLC – Table Rock, MD (DM-84-101) Insignificant Modification
CITY OF ABERDEEN – 60 North Parke Street, P.O. Box 70, Aberdeen, MD 21001. (0923-1096). Sewerage permit to construct force mains and wastewater pumping station at Aberdeen Proving Ground (US 40 & MD 715)
HEAPS OIL CO., INC. - 4609 Green Marble Rd, Whiteford, MD 21160. Issued 2010-OPT-2389 Oil Operations Permit PARTS PLUS - 1105 Revolution St, Havre De Grace, MD 21078. Issued 2009-RGC-7577 Scrap Tire General Collection Facility License
AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF MARYLAND, LLC - 7125 Columbia Gateway Dr, 1st Fl, Columbia, MD 21046. Issued 027-0605-9-0341 Simple PTC for (1) Emer. generator rated @ 700 kW CLARKSVILLE EXXON - 12405 Clarksville Pike, Clarksville, MD 21029. Issued 2009RSC06063 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License DECKER BROTHERS OF LAUREL INC - 9385 Washington Blvd, #H, Laurel, MD 20723. Issued 2009RSC06039 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License HOWARD COUNTY DPW -3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043. (09-25-1027) Sewerage permit to construct wastewater treatment plant improvements at 8900 Greenwood Place, Savage MD MARYLAND & VIRGINIA MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION - 8321 Leishear Rd, Laurel, MD 20723. Issued 24-027-0052 Ren. Part 70 PTO for Milk & Butter Prod. Mfg. MD STATE HWY ADMIN/DAYTON SHOP - 4401 Rte 32, Dayton, MD 21036. Issued 2009-RTH-7579 Scrap Tire Hauler License TATE ACCESS FLOORS - 7510 Montevideo Rd, Jessup, MD 20794. Issued 2009 027-0127 Ren. SPTO for Floor mfg. fac. Kent
K & L SERVICES, INC - 609 High St, Chestertown, MD 21620. Issued 2009RTH03159 Scrap Tire Hauler License
MARYLAND STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION - 615 Morgnec Rd, Rte 291, Chestertown, MD 21620. Issued 2010-OPT-3540 Oil Operations Permit
MILLARD REED - Chestertown, MD (89-sp-0316-1) Renewal to surface mine located on Route 297
SHA - CHESTERTOWN SHOP - 615 Morgnec Rd, Chestertown, MD 21620. Issued 2009-RTH-7585 Scrap Tire Hauler License WORTON - BUTLERTOWN WWTP - 25310 Chinquapin Rd, Worton, MD 21678. Issued 2009-STR-5479 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit Montgomery
CARBON RESTAURANT - 100-f Gibbs St, Rockville, MD 20850. Issued 031-2462-8-0194 & 0195 GP for (2) Charbroilers CITICORP - 12401 Prosperity Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Issued 2009 031-2308 Amended S-M PTO to add 370 kW generator CITY OF ROCKVILLE DPW – City Hall, 111 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850. (09-22:23-1064) Sewerage permit to construct force mains at intersection of North Horners Lane and Frederick Avenue in the City of Rockville EURO MOTORCARS GERMANTOWN INC - 19750 Germantown Rd, Germantown, MD 20874. Issued 2009RSC06059 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License MEDIMMUNE, INC. - 35 W Watkins Mill Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878. Issued 031-2010-5-2195 GP for (1) Small boiler NORMANDIE ON THE LAKE II CONDOMINIUM - 18640 Walkers Choice Rd, Montgomery Village, MD 20886. Issued 031-2461-5-2196 through 2199 GP for (4) Small boilers
Prince George’s
130 COMCAST OF POTOMAC, LLC - 1107 Ritchie Rd, Capitol Heights, MD 20743. Issued 033-2590-9-1330 Simple PTC for (1) Emer. gen. rated @ 500 kW ARA, INC - 11850 Baltimore Ave; Ste H, Beltsville, MD 20705. Issued 033-2676-6-1399 GP for (1) Vehicle Refinishing (Autobody) BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY - 14000 Jericho Park Rd, Bowie, MD 20715. Issued 033-0004-5-1411 GP for (1) Small boiler KENILWORTH FOREIGN CAR PARTS - 5612 Jay St, Fairmount Heights, MD 20743. Issued 2009-RSC-7582 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License OXON HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - 7701 Livingston Rd, Oxon Hill, MD 20745. Issued 033-0269-4-1914 & 1915 GP for (2) Small boilers PATUXENT WILDLIFE RESEARCH CENTER - 12311 Beech Forest Rd, Laurel, MD 20708. Issued 2009 033-0875 Ren. SPTO for animal carcass incinerator RITCHIE LAND RECLAMATION RUBBERFILL - 2001 Ritchie Marlboro Rd, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. Issued 2009-RSC-7586 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License TOWN OF FAIRMOUNT HEIGHTS - 719 60th Pl, Fairmount Heights, MD 20743. Issued 2009-RTH-7571 Scrap Tire Hauler License
Queen Anne's GEORGE E GRUSSING - Rock Hall, MD (08-SP-1044-A) Modification to surface mine located on Route 405 SHELL - 401 Thompson Creek Rd, Stevensville, MD 21666. Issued 035-0040-9-0055 GP for (1) motor Vehicle Refueling Facility TOWN OF SUDLERSVILLE – 200 South Church Street, P.O. Box 116, Sudlersville, MD 21668-0116. (0912:16-1031) Water permit to construct a water treatment plant at the Town Sudlersville TOWN OF QUEENSTOWN – P.O. Box 4, Queenstown, MD 21658. (0915:16-1139) Water permit for well system at Outlet Center Drive and MD Route 656
J.M. TAWES TECHNOLOGY & CAREER CENTER - 7982 Tawes Campus Dr, Westover, MD 21871. Issued 2009RTH03048 Scrap Tire Hauler License PERDUE FARMS INC. - #17 - 11720 Pine Pole, Princess Anne, MD 21853. Issued 2009 039-0135 Ren. SPTO for (1) Crematory PERDUE FARMS, PRINCESS ANNE MD RESEARCH FARM #15 - 11585 Pine Pole, Princess Anne, MD 21853. Issued 2009 039-0131 Ren. SPTO for (1) Crematory
St, Mary's COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN MARYLAND - 22950 Hollywood Rd, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Issued 037-0101-4-0253 GP for (1) Small boiler
DEER FIELD FISH FARMS - Queen Anne, MD (93-SP-0433) Renewal to surface mine located on 1.1 miles northwest of Cordova on Chapel Road MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AT EASTON MD - 219 S Washington St, Easton, MD 21601. Issued 041-9-0073 & 74 Simple PTC for (2) Emer. gens, ea rated @ 800 kW Washington
AGAPE PET SERVICES - 19712 Shepherdstown Pike, Boonsboro, MD 21713. Issued 2009 043-0468 Ren. SPTO for (3) Animal crematories CLEAN EARTH OF MARYLAND, INC - 1469 Oak Ridge Place, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Issued 2009 043-0213 Amend & Ext. SPTO for Crushing plant MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE (MCI) WWTP - 18901 Roxbury Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Issued 2009-STR-5486 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit ONGOING OPERATIONS, LLC - 18450 Showalter Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21742. Issued 043-9-0195 Simple PTC for (1) Emergency generator rated @ 750 kW
AMERICAN PAVING CORPORATION - 8783 Patton Rd, Delmar, MD 21875. Issued 2009 045-0309 Change of Ownership SPTO for Asphalt plant PERDUE FARMS, MARDELA SPRINGS MD RESEARCH FARM # 16 - 23417 Taylors Trail, Mardela Springs, MD 21837. Issued 2009 045-0255 Ren. SPTO for (1) Crematory STONETECH, LLC - 7190 Brick Kiln Rd, Salisbury, MD 21801. Issued 045-0152-6-0201 APA PTC for (1) 400 tph crusher TOWN OF HEBRON – 100 North Main Street, P.O. Box 229, Hebron, MD 21830. (0923-1108) Sewerage permit to construct a wastewater pumping station at Hebron, MD TOWN OF HEBRON – 100 North Main Street, P.O. Box 229, Hebron, MD 21830. (09-14-1109) Water permit to construct a water treatment plant addition at Hebron, MD UNIVERSITY TIRE INC - 1400 S Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21801. Issued 2009-RSC-7584 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License
MD STATE POLICE BARRACK V - 9758 Ocean Gateway, Berlin, MD 21811. Issued 2010-OPT-5020 Oil Operations Permit RACE TRACK AUTO CENTER - 10436 Racetrack Rd, Berlin, MD 21801. Issued 2009RSC00751 Scrap Tire Secondary Collection Facility License TOWN OF BERLIN – 10 William Street, Berlin, MD 21811. (09-26-1075) Sewerage permit for liner upgrade at Purnell Crossing and Lee Road
Out of State
GLASSMERE FUEL SERVICE - 1967 Saxonburg Blvd, PO Box 187, Curtisville, PA 15032. Issued 2010-OPV-32310 Oil Operations Permit JOSEPH DELBO AND SON - 1300 Toby Run Rd, Danville, PA 17821. Issued 2010-OPV-2274 Oil Operations Permit Delivery OUT OF STATE TO PENNSYLVANIA - Permitted Landfills or WWTPs, Any City, MD 00000. Issued 2009-STR-5090 Sewage Sludge Utilization Transportation Permit ROSEY'S TANK CLEANING LLC - 1940 Harris Drive, Deptford, NJ 08096. Issued 2010-OPV-32309 Oil Operations Permit Delivery
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