Press Release

ANNAPOLIS, MD (June 11, 2008) – The Maryland Board of Public Works today approved over $400,000 in grants for capital construction projects to improve water quality and water supply in Caroline and Talbot Counties. The Board is comprised of Governor Martin O’Malley, Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp and Comptroller Peter Franchot.

“Improving wastewater treatment is a significant step to meeting our goals under the Chesapeake Bay Agreement,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “Bay Restoration Fund grants, such as those we approved today, are an important tool in this effort.”

"Providing funding to upgrade wastewater treatments plants are critical to water resources protection,” said Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Shari T. Wilson. “These projects are basic yet crucial."

Federalsburg WWTP BNR/ENR Upgrade – Caroline

The Board approved a grant increase of $341,000 to reduce nutrient pollution at the Federalsburg Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project involves planning, design and construction for the Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) and Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) facilities at the existing 0.75 million gallons per day Federalsburg Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Upon completion of the BNR and ENR upgrades, the Federalsburg WWTP will be capable of achieving effluent quality with annual average nutrient goals of 3 mg/l for Total Nitrogen and 0.3 mg/l for Total Phosphorus. These improvements will reduce nutrients discharged to the Marshyhope River and the Chesapeake Bay. This Board action is for the construction phase of the project.

Martingham Utilities Wastewater – Talbot

The Board approved a new grant of $100,000 to improve wastewater treatment and reduce nutrient pollution in Talbot County. The proposed project involves engineering evaluation, design and construction of improvements to the Martingham wastewater treatment facility, which consists of a stabilization lagoon, holding pond and spray irrigation system. The facility experiences violations of its discharge permit. The stabilization lagoon requires an upgrade with tertiary treatment to allow for increased spray areas. Additionally, the project consists of other ancillary improvements including raising the spray irrigation holding pond berm to provide additional storage for the land application treated effluent year-round.
